The Presidency

By 104839
  • Banking Act

    Banking Act
    Congress passed the Banking Act, which gives the president the authority to appoint the seven members that direct the nation’s central banking system known as the Federal Reserve System
  • Employment Act

    Employment Act
    Congress passed the Employment Act, giving new duties to the president. This law directed the president to submit an annual economic report to Congress.
  • Secrets

    Congress discovered that several presidents had kept secret many executive agreements giving military aid to South Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and the Philippines.
  • Agreements

    congress passed a law requiring the president to make public all executive agreements signed each year
  • Limits

    Limit the president’s ability to wage war without a formal declaration by Congress
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    President Carter signed two treaties giving control of the Panama Canal to the government of that country, but the Senate had taken months to debate and ratify the controversial treaties.
  • Troops

    President George W. Bush began the “war on terrorism” by sending troops to Afghanistan. Congress passed an Authorization to Use Military Force in Afghanistan by overwhelming margins
  • Armed forces

    Armed forces
    Congress passed a resolution that authorized the president to use the U.S. armed forces in Iraq “as he deems necessary and appropriate
  • Foreigners

    Supreme Court ruled in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld that the president cannot indefinitely lock up foreigners or U.S. citizens without giving them a chance to challenge their detention in court.
  • Elections

    When Democrats gained control of Congress in the elections, Bush’s success rate declined to 38 percent.
  • Millitary

    Justices rejected the Bush administration’s use of specially created courts called military tribunals to try suspected terrorists.
  • Terrorism

    President George W. Bush expanded presidential powers as a way to fight terrorism. Just weeks after the attacks, Congress passed the USA Patriot Act.
  • Legit Governments

    Legit Governments
    United States officially recognized the Libyan opposition group that controlled a region of that country as the legitimate government of the whole country.
  • NATO

    President Obama did not receive congressional approval for NATO airstrikes in Libya by the 60-day deadline.
  • Welfare Cut

    Welfare Cut
    President Bill Clinton compromised with the Republican Congress to enact legislation that cut back federal funding for welfare programs in 1996, he was criticized by the more liberal members of his party