Third Month
As of this month, the mother's belly will begin to feel a bit. The nausea and vomiting that were so frequent in the previous months will begin to decrease, but instead the hormonal changes will make you feel more emotionally sensitive, so it is likely to cry or irritate more easily. In this month Sara is feeling so sensible, she is starting to have some affect to his baby -
Seven Month
In this month the mother will have to deal with weight gain, mobility problems and a greater feeling of fatigue. The symptoms that I had been experiencing during the previous months will intensify, fatigue and exhaustion will increase, as well as leg pains and constant sleep. The desire to go to the bathroom will also be maintained and menstrual cramps and contractions that prepare the uterus for labor will intensify. Sara is starting to feel happy and excited to have her baby -
Eighth Month
In the eighth month of pregnancy the mother will feel very exhausted and more clumsy than usual due mainly to the increase in weight and fluid retention. It is also likely to begin to notice slight changes in the pelvis and hip, which will adapt to give way to the baby. In some cases, the baby can compress the bladder too much, causing the mother to have involuntary losses of urine. In this month Sara change the idea that having a baby will rouine her life -
First month
In the first month when the embryo begins to form, Sara felt depressed, confused and guilty -
Second Month
Meanwhile, the embryo continues to grow its main organs and systems are forming, its heart already has four cavities and it is even possible to distinguish its head, slightly larger than the rest of the body, as well as its budding arms and legs. She still is feeling the same -
Fourth Month
In the fourth month of pregnancy, the mother can be calmer and fully enjoy her pregnancy. At this moment the annoying nausea and vomiting have been in the past and the risk of abortion has been greatly reduced. The mammary glands have begun to develop and the breasts begin to increase in size. For the fourth month the belly has already grown enough to be noticed by the naked eye, which will cause slight pain in the pelvic area. Now everyone knows that Sara is pregnant and she is feeling ashame -
Fifth Month
Throughout these weeks the mother's womb will continue to grow and is likely to increase one size more. In this stage the internal organs will move to make room for the baby, while the uterus will begin to press on the bladder, so that the urge to urinate will be more frequent. It is also likely that the mother suffers constipation problems, experience some pain and swelling in the legs and that the varicose veins or chloasmas appear. -
Six Month
In the sixth month of pregnancy tend to appear new symptoms: they begin to form the feared stretch marks and it is likely that the mother will notice some discomfort in the teeth, in fact, some women bleed gums when brushing, a problem caused by the increase of the level of estrogen. It is also normal to have circulation problems in the legs and to begin to retain some fluid. -
Ninth Month
At this moment the pregnancy has come to end. Back and abdominal pain will be a thing of the past since the belly will have lowered a bit as a result of the baby's descent to the pelvis. Instead, fatigue and fatigue usually increase, a phenomenon known as sudden exhaustion. In these last weeks hormonal changes also affect the joints making them weaker. In addition, it is common for the mucous plug to detach and for the cervix to begin dilating to favor delivery.