Estimated conception time
Period: to
Go to Florida to visit Grandparents
Go skiing
In denial, refuse to take a pregnancy test.
Feel nauseated and sleep all the time
Take Pregnancy Test, positive
Doctor confirms pregnancy, six weeks along
Grandpa dies
Begin to tell people, waited after 1st trimester.
First ultrasound
Stop feeling sick
Find out we're having a girl!
Begin to gain pregnancy weight, you can tell.
Begin to buy baby outfits
School Surprise Diaper Shower
Wrapped up class, Last day of school
Last vacation as just US
Begin to feel super tired
Hottest summer ever! 80-90 degrees plus
Bacinski Baby Shower
Roadtrip to Wisconsin to visit cousin
VanOostendorp Baby Shower
Went Kayaking for the last time
Preparing Maternity Leave materials and lessons
Attended Staff Meetings, last ones before Maternity Leave!
Due Date
Induced Labor
Baby is born!