The Plague

By opassa
  • 1331

    The Beginning

    1331-1334: Plague outbreak in Southwestern China spreads through Asia to the Mediterranean.
  • 1345

    Close to Home

    Plague occurs in Volga River basin and spreads through Eastern and Central Europe eventually reaching Constantinople.
  • 1347


    Black plague reaches Italy
  • 1348


    Jan. 1348: Plague reaches Marseilles, France
  • 1348


    Nov. 1348: Plague reaches London
  • 1349

    North of the British Isles

    May 1349: Plague reaches Scotland, Wales and Ireland
  • 1349


    1349: Scandinavia affected by the plague
  • 1350

    Eastern Europe

    1350: Uncharted Eastern Europe affected by plague
  • 1382

    The Return

    1382: Black plague returns to Europe, takes an especially heavy toll on Ireland
  • 1466


    Plague of Paris
  • 1559


    Amsterdam plague
  • Spain

    1647: Great plague of Seville
  • London Again

    1665: Great Plague of London
  • Fire

    1666: The Plague in England up until the Great Fire of London that kills the rats carrying the disease
  • Central Europe

    1679: Plague in Central Europe, small outbreak in England
  • North Again

    1710-11: Outbreak of plague in Sweden and Finland
  • Back to France

    1720: Plague in Marseilles
  • The Balkans

    1770: Plague in the Balkans; lasts about 2 years