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The Persian Wars

  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon was fought by Athens.The Persian heavily outnumbered the Athenians at Marathon. Athens used a strategy to defeat them, they strengthen the wings of the Persian force and closed in on the Persian soldiers in the center. They trapped those who had broken through and driving them back to their ships.The Athens won the battle.The importance of the battle was that Athens won the battle and it inspired other city-state to resist.The image is a map of their strategy in the battle
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    The battle of Thermopylae was fought by Sparta,Athens and Peloponnese, The Greeks chose a defensive position,a narrow pass that the Persian had to pass.The Greeks were tired after fighting for 3 days,so they headed back south.The Greeks were trapped by the Persians because of a Greek traitor.The importance of the battle is the Greek forces were small but determine to go against the huge Persian forces.This image shows on what the Spartans would of worn and what weapons they would have used.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    Battle of Salamis
    The battle of Salamis was a naval battle fought by an alliance of Greek city-state.The Greek sent a messenger to the Persian with false information.The messenger said Greeks will sail away,if Persia attacks again then the Greeks will come over to the Persian side and attack. Persia was eager to win the battle once and for all. so he moved his fleet to the narrow gulf leaving them trapped.The Greece won the battle as a country..This image is a map of how the Greeks trapped Persia.
  • 478 BCE

    The Delian League

    The Delian League
    The Delian League is an alliance with 150 city-states.Members had to contribute men and money to a common defense fund.According to the rules,a member could not withdraw without consent of all.when Naxos and Thasos tried to break away, they were crushed by Athens and forced to pay heavy money.The Delian league was to continue fighting the Persian empire after the battle of salamis.This image is a map of Greece and Persia.The blue is part of the Delian League and purple is Persia.