The Perseverance to Strive for Greatness

  • Starting a Life

    Starting a Life
    My Journey began on June 2nd, 1848 in Hong Kong china. My name is Ching Wang and I had 5 siblings. We usually got along great, but that wasn't what we ever had to worry about. We were a poor family usually. When I was young, life was pretty rough, we barely got through some of the hard times. Both of my parents had to work 2 jobs and we still needed more. Later I left to come to America to try and make the big bucks as an oil supplier. My goal here is to tell my tale of hard work and hardship.
  • Finally Here

    Finally Here
    I've long awaited to see the glorious shine of Angel Island, San Francisco. I hope I can get into the states before too long. I heard that almost 2,500 eager immigrants come through here a day. I am both nervous and excited to see what happens in the next hopefully fantastic chapter of my life. If I can get into the United States I would love to work in the oil industry. I want to live a fulfilling life. I also want to get rich.
  • The Process

    The Process
    When I arrived at Angel Island I soon learned that there was a decently extensive process that immigrants had to go through to get into the United States. We had to get a physical and medical exam. It didn't seem like it was taking too long though. People were coming in and out of the curtains like clockwork. Soon it was my turn and before I knew it they were done with me and I had passed with flying colors. I still couldn’t believe how short it was. Finally my promise land quest begins.
  • Working up The Oil Chain

    Working up The Oil Chain
    My goal in the United States was to make it big in the oil industry. I knew I was going to have to work hard and think right. That was then and now my goal actually seems reachable. When I first started out in LA. CA. I was just a worker and I helped to repair the rigs, but now I am close to achieving the rank of manager in my sector. (CA) My superiors liked the work that I have done and they have their eye on me. Hopefully one day in the future I would like to work with John D. Rockefeller.
  • Meeting John D. Rockefeller

    Meeting John D. Rockefeller
    I've worked in this industry a long time fixing rigs, dealing oil, building rigs, and even managing sectors. Now I am about to meet the man himself John D. Rockefeller. I still can't believe he's actually noticed my work and he wants to personally promote me in Cleveland OH. This was my dream all along. The only thing that I don’t like is the increasing hatred towards Chinese immigrants. I fear something horrible might happen. I do hope that this conflict can be resolved we can live in peace.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Exclusion Act

    An act that banned Chinese immigrants from entering/immigrating into the United States for 10 years starting in 1882.
  • Urbanization Taking it's Toll

    Urbanization Taking it's Toll
    When I started working in this company me and only a few other people were immigrants from recent times. Now pretty much all of the workers are immigrants in CA. US. bosses had to fire all of the other workers if they wanted to make a bigger prophet. After the exclusion act of 82 many people have lost respect for me and have been treating me differently. They even docked my pay. They have stopped my people from coming into the US! All I can do now is hope for the best in the future.