The Passover Lamb 2012

  • Vision Casting

    Everyone in the play come to hear welcome, introductions, & vision
  • First Reading

    All actors, except Townspeople
  • Act 1 - Blocking Process

    All act I actors, except townspeople
  • Act 2 - Blocking Process

    All Act II actors, except townspeople
  • Act 1 - Blocking, Costume Fitting

    All Act I actors
  • Act 2 - Blocking, Costume Fitting

    All Act II Actors
  • Act 1 - No Scripts

    All Act I Actors
  • Act 2 - No Scripts

    All Act II Actors
  • Full Play Walkthrough

  • Full Play Walkthrough

  • Full Play Walkthrough

  • Full Play Walkthrough w/Costumes

  • Dress Rehearsal

    7:00 Start
  • Community Performance

    Community wide performance
  • Community Performance

    Production for Community
  • Cast & Crew Party

    Cast & Crew Party following performance
  • Community Performance

    Production for Communtiy