Ponyboy gets jumped after watching a movie at the thearter. -
Period: to
The Outsiders
Nightly Double
Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally go to the nightly double to watch a movie. While there Dally harasses couple of girls named Cherry and Marcia.Afterwards Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-bit walked them home. Then a blue Mustang pulled up. Cherries and Macias' boyfriends got out. Eventually the girls went with them. -
When Ponyboy gets home him and Darry argue. Darry is mad that Ponyboy stayed out so late. Sodapop tries tointervien but Darry cuts him off saying that hes tired of him sticking up for Ponyboy. Ponyboy yelled at Darry to not yell at Sodapop. Darry turns quikly and slaps Ponyboy so hard that he was knocked against the door. Ponyboy then runs away with Johnny. They run to the park. -
The Park
Ponyboy and Johnny ran away to the park. Then the blue Mustang shows up. Bob and Randy get out of the car.They then assult Pony and Johnny. David was trying to drown Pony. Johnny then attacks Bob with his switch blade. Johnny accidentaly kills bob in self defense.They then go to Dally for help. -
Jay Mountain
Finally Ponyboy and Johnny make it to the old church on Jay Mountainafter riding the train. They went into to the church and fell asleep almost instantly.When they wake up Johnny went to get supplies. THen they cut each others hair and pony bleaches his. -
Johhny and Ponyboy kill time by reading Gone With the Wind. One morning they woke up early and watched the sky. Then johnny says that it looked golden which made Pony remember a poem. The peom was Nothing Gold Can Stay. -
After going out to eat Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally drive back to the church. When they get there they find the chuech is on fire. Pony and Johnny get out and run to the church. They bust in a window and search for the children. When they find them they bust a window and start dropping them out it. One of the kids bite Ponyboy. Dally then gets there and pulls pony out. A burning rafter falls on Johnny. Dally jumps in to get him. They both come out burned. They are all driven to the hospital. -
Ponyboy, Dally, and Johhny are taken to the hospital. Ponyboy was't hurt that bad. Dally had to stay in for a burned arm and Johnny had burns all over him and a broken back. Later Two-bit and Ponyboy visit Johnny and buy him a copy of Gone With the Wind. -
The Rumble
The Greasers and the Socs fight each other with no weapons. Eventually hte Socs start to run away. The Greasers win the rumble. Afterwards Dally and Ponyboy go to tell Johnny at the hospital that they won. -
After Pony tells Johnny that they won Johnny dies.Dally then runs out of the hospital. -
After runing from the hospital Dally steals some items and has the cops on him. The gang come runing as Dally stops under a streat light and pull out his gun. The cops then shoot and kill him. -
Ponyboy has to write an essay for class . Hedecides to write about what happens to him through the course of the book.