1983 Botulism (Sauteed onions)
Date & Location: Peoria, Illinois in 1983
Cause listed with Microorganism:Botulism - sauteed onions made from fresh raw onions served on a patty melt sandwich.
List of number people sick: 28 persons were hospitalized, and 20 patients were treated with an antitoxin. 12 patients required ventilatory support and 1 death resulted
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foodborne_illness_outbreaks_in_the_United_States -
1985 California listeriosis outbreak in cheese (Queso blanco)
The 1985 California listeria outbreak was in Mexican style soft cheese made by Jalisco in California. There were 52 confirmed deaths, including 19 stillbirths and 10 infant deaths. Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_California_listeriosis_outbreak_in_cheese