
The Ottoman

By chearne
  • Jan 1, 1299

    Reign of Othman

    Reign of Othman
    Reign of Othman, founder of the Ottoman Turkish Empire
  • Jan 24, 1300

    Musilms are forced to convert

    Musilms are forced to convert
    The last Musilms in sicily are forcibly converted to Christianity
  • Jan 24, 1303

    Mongols are defeated

    Mongols are defeated
    Mongols are defeated near Damascus, thus ending the Mongols threat
  • Jan 24, 1305

    First reported act of displaying a head

    First reported act of displaying a head
    First reported act of displaying a head on the London Bridge occurs
  • Jan 24, 1309

    The Teutonic order

    The Teutonic order
    The Teutonic order moves its headquarters to Marienburg, Prussia
  • Jan 24, 1310

    The Hospitallers move their headquarters to Rhodes

    The Hospitallers move their headquarters to Rhodes
  • Jan 31, 1402

    Chaos in Empire

    Chaos in Empire
    This chaos follows the death of SultanOttoman Interregnum
    1402 - 1413
    Choas in Empire following death of Sultan Bayezid I in 1402
    Battles between the sons of Bayezid :Suleyman Celebi, Isa Celeb and Mehmed Celebi
  • Jan 31, 1404

    Mehmed takes over

    Mehmed takes over
    Mehmed Celebi takes
    Isa Celeb's capital of Bursa Mehmed victor in 1413
  • Jan 31, 1444

    Murad the second

    Murad the second
    Murad won the Battle of Varna against János Hunyadi but lost the Battle of Jalowaz and was forced to abdicate. Murad becomes Sultan again with janissaries
  • Jan 31, 1481

    Bayezid the second takes over

    Bayezid the second takes over
    Jews from Spain rescued
    earthquake in Constantinople
  • Jan 31, 1512

    Selim 1

    Selim 1
    Battle of Chaldiran, Safavid Empire defeated Battle of Marj Dabiq, Mamluk Sultanate defeated,annexation of Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Muhammad al-Mutawakkil III surrenders title of caliph to Ottomans
  • Jan 31, 1520

    Suleiman the Magnificent

    Suleiman the Magnificent
    Belgrade falls to Ottomans
    Rhodes captured Battle of Mohács, Ottoman Empire becomes the pre-eminent power in Eastern Europe Siege of Vienna fails Suleiman enters Baghdad,becomes legitimate successor to the Abbasid Caliphs Battle of Preveza, Spanish fleet was defeated by Barbarossa Barbary States of Tripolitania, Tunisia, and Algeria became autonomous provinces work on Süleymaniye Mosque begins Suleiman's son Mustafa executed Siege of Malta fails
  • Jan 31, 1566

    Selim 2

    Selim 2
    Battle of Lepanto,Ottoman defeat gave the Holy League temporary control over the Mediterranean
  • Jan 31, 1574

    Murad the 3

    Murad the 3
    Murad the third takes reign
  • Ahemd the 1

    Ahemd the 1
    Treaty of Zsitvatorok, tribute paid by Austria was abolished. Georgia and Azerbaijan were ceded to Persia Sultan Ahmed Mosque begun