The Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Hermes and Athena were sent to help out Odysseus from the stranded island.
  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Telemachus tries to find his father Odysseus and reunite his parents, Odysseus needs to come home to fix all that has gone wrong.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Zeus tell Hermes to help Odysseus and tells Athena to help telemachus.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Calypso frees Odysseus but tells him that the journey he is going to go through will be difficult.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Poseidon shipwrecks Odysseus and Athena steps in and helps him, sending him to another island.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Laertes' son is keeping Odysseus captive, but not for long. (beginning of the book 9)
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    After wondering for 9 days Odysseus and his crew end up on the island of Lotus Eaters, after finding that they are no harm, they are back on their way.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus and his crew are trapped in the cave with the Cyclops.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus and his crew stab the cyclops in his one eye while he is sleeping and quickly escape.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    It took 5 men including Odysseus to stab the eye of the cyclops.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    To get him to sleep they gave him wine, he liked it and asked for more.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    He tricked them into saying his name was nobody so his friends would not help him.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus and his crew were taunting the cyclops when they escaped.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Cyclops was mad when he was taunted and almost brought then back on the island with the rock.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    The cyclops was furryed and called for poseidon.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Odysseus and his men escaped again, going to the sea.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Odysseus led his crew into a island of cannibals.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Odysseus fell in love with circe and stayed for a year.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    Odysseus arrived at the land of the dead.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    He meets a lot of new people at the land of the dead, people are willing to help odysseus for information about the land of the dead.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Circe describes scylla to Odysseus.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Circe tells Odysseus that scylla is impossible to defeat.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Cice talks to Odysseus about the underworld.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    Telemachus came back and had a warm welcome after 10 years.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    Telemachus and Odysseus meet and Odysseus tells him to come home.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    Telemachus mother is grieving and is spending her days as a poor lady.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 17

    Book 17
    Odysseus son was thunderstruck.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 17

    Book 17
    Odysseus and his son were crying tears of salt.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Penelope gives up hope that Odysseus is coming home, she holds a archery contest for her marriage.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    The suitors first have to prove they can bend and string the bow, Odysseus was there in disguise.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Odysseus come to speak to his trusted men, Eumaeus and Philoetius and see if they would follow him.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Odysseus servants now believe it's odysseus and take orders from him about the bow and quiver.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Odysseus finally get ahold of the bow from telemachus and all the suitors watch.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Penelope still has little to no hope and Odysseus is dressed up as a servant.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Odysseus the beggar asked if he can try the bow, he actually was the only one to tring and hit the targets.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    He then killed all that was left of the suitors.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    Athena helped Odysseus win this battle with her invisible shield.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    Odysseus killed Antinous
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    Odysseus tells them that they broke the law, that's why he killed them.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    They tried going at Odysseus and Telemachus, but they won the battle.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 23

    Book 23
    She's kind of believing of this man who claims to be her husband after 20 years.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 23

    Book 23
    After all the fighting, Penelope kissed Odysseus and finally came together.