The Odyssey

By VReap2
  • 1888 BCE

    Book 13 Part 2

    Book 13 Part 2
    Athena should Odysseus where is home. His home was in Mount Neriton. Odysseus says Tiresias speaks truly.
  • 1888 BCE

    Book 13 Part 3

    Book 13 Part 3
    Athena tells Odysseus to go home now. Odysseus leaves and find his way back home. Odysseus felt confident getting back without being detected.
  • 1888 BCE

    Book 13 Part 4

    Book 13 Part 4
    Athena disappears and Odysseus starts his journey. Odysseus takes stuff that he needs for his trip. Odysseus puts all of stuff under a tree.
  • 1887 BCE

    Book 14 Part 1

    Book 14 Part 1
    Odysseus arrives back home, but dogs were just about to attack him. Odysseus old friend called off his dogs. They both had food and also had a nice conversation.
  • 1887 BCE

    Book 14 Part 2

    Book 14 Part 2
    Odysseus and his old friend continued on having a conversation. The old friend doesn't release that the old man is Odysseus. The old man said that if Odysseus returns, the friend has to give him a good cloak and shirt but send him to Dulichion.
  • 1887 BCE

    Book 15 Part 1

    Book 15 Part 1
    Telemachus returns to Ithaca. Theoclymenus introduced himself to Telemachus and says that he is the son of the prophet Polyphides. Theoclymenus says that he's being hunted by men from Pylos, friends of a man I killed.
  • 1887 BCE

    Book 15 Part 2

    Book 15 Part 2
    Telemachus and Theoclymenus gets on a ship together. Athena appears on the ship and whispers to Telemachus while he was asleep.
  • 1885 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    Telemachus arrives to Emmaus house and reunites with his father (Odysseus). The guy who took Telemachus to the ship told the suitors that the ship is in the harbor. Another old man told Penelope that her son, Telemachus returned to Ithaca The suitors round themselves up to kill Telemachus. Telemachus arrives back to his mother (Penelope).
  • 1884 BCE

    Book 17 Part 1

    Book 17 Part 1
    Emmaus takes Odysseus back to his hall. Odysseus saw his dog but died, Odysseus was really sad. Once Odysseus went into his hall, it was full of suitors.
  • 1884 BCE

    Book 17 Part 2

    Book 17 Part 2
    One of the suitors ask "Who is this beggar." Odysseus (The old man) begged the suitors for food. As Odysseus walks away one of the suitors threw a stool at his back.
  • 1883 BCE

    Book 18 Part 1

    Book 18 Part 1
    Irus and Odysseus fights in front of the suitors. Odysseus wins the fight against Irus. Amphinomus, son of Nisus of Dulichion gives Odysseus some wine and bread as award for beating Irus.
  • 1883 BCE

    Book 18 Part 2

    Book 18 Part 2
    Odysseus and Amphinomus went to a party with the other suitors. Odysseus was so upset that the suitors had a party in his hall. People were having great time by playing music and dancing.
  • 1882 BCE

    Book 19 Part 1

    Book 19 Part 1
    Odysseus told Telemachus to start hiding the weapons. Telemachus told Eurycleia to keep the maids in their quarters while he take his father (Odysseus) to the storeroom. Once Odysseus and Telemachus were hiding weapons in the storeroom, but they both saw a light which was Athena.
  • 1882 BCE

    Book 19 Part 2

    Book 19 Part 2
    Melantho said to Odysseus, " Are you still here?" Creepy old man, stop watching the maids; go outside and cuddle your dinner." Penelope told Melantho to stop insulting her guest and go outside. Penelope and Odysseus had a conversation about why did he come to the castle.
  • 1882 BCE

    Book 19 Part 3

    Book 19 Part 3
    Eurycleia gave Odysseus a footbath but was freak out about the scar he had. Odysseus silents her and tells Eurycleia that she will get him destroyed if she says anything to anybody. Penelope told Odysseus that tomorrow, she'll pose a challenge to the suitors and marry the one who succeeds.
  • 1881 BCE

    Book 20 Part 1

    Book 20 Part 1
    Athena appears to Odysseus and ask him a question but then he explained the trouble. While Odysseus was cleaning himself up, Eumaeus says "Good morning friend." Eumaeus and Telemachus guides Odysseus to a restaurant where the suitors are at.
  • 1881 BCE

    Book 20 Part 2

    Book 20 Part 2
    While Odysseus was at the table, Ctessippus threw a cow's paw at him. Telemachus said "Ctessipus, try that again and you'll find my spear in your fat stomach. One of the suitors left because how the other suitors behavior which made Penelope sad.
  • 1880 BCE

    Book 21 Part 1

    Book 21 Part 1
    Penelope gave an announcement to the suitors about a challenge. Telemachus helped Penelope set up for the challenge. One of the suitors said "At last, Friends, now this is our chance to show how we compare to the great man (Odysseus).
  • 1880 BCE

    Book 21 Part 2

    Book 21 Part 2
    Odysseus ask both of friends to help him look good in order to stop the suitors. Odysseus said "Good princes, I must beg your leave to ask a favor." But the princes refused to listen to Odysseus. Athena told Telemachus to tell Penelope to have Odysseus be part of the challenge.
  • 1879 BCE

    Book 22 Part 1

    Book 22 Part 1
    Odysseus shot another arrow which killed Apollo. All the suitors tried to attack Odysseus but failed due to the help of Telemachus, Eumaeus, Philoetius and Athena. After this gorry event, Odysseus commanded Eurycleia to help clean up the blood.
  • 1879 BCE

    Book 22 Part 2

    Book 22 Part 2
    Odysseus told Telemachus that after everything is clean, taken the women outside and put them to the sword. The women was crying because they have to carry dead bodies outside and those suitors were their love ones. Odysseus also told Eurycleia to bring him fire and sulfur to fumigate the hall.
  • 1879 BCE

    Book 22 Part 3

    Book 22 Part 3
    Telemachus, Eumaeus, Philoetius and Eurycleia cleaned up the rest of the blood. Telemachus takes the other women to kill them all. Odysseus gave Eurycleia permission to release the rest of the women and wake Penelope.
  • 1878 BCE

    Book 23 Part 1

    Book 23 Part 1
    Odysseus and Penelope had finally reunited. Penelope mentioned to Odysseus that they both suffered enough but will never each other. Odysseus and Penelope kissed each other passionately.
  • 1878 BCE

    Book 23 Part 2

    Book 23 Part 2
    Eumaeus and Philoetius spent the night at Odysseus and Penelope's hall. Penelope said to Odysseus that some god has held them back the young Dawn for each other. Odysseus says that she'll soon rise from her couch soon and he must go to see his father but settle the matter of the suitors.
  • 1877 BCE

    Book 24 Part 1

    Book 24 Part 1
    Odysseus went to go see his father Laertes at the trees. Philoetius told Odysseus that suitors fathers are coming. Odysseus, Laertes, Telemachus, Philoetius, and Eumaeus get their weapons ready to fight.
  • 1877 BCE

    Book 24 Part 2

    Book 24 Part 2
    Mentor comes to help his friends to stop the bad guys. Laertes threw an arrow that killed one suitors father. Athena broke off the battle and said let there be peace between the two groups. Athena commanded Odysseus to drop his sword and he did obeyed her command. Odysseus and one of the suitors father shook hands in front of Athena and their friends.
  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Athena ask Zeus to intervene = Odysseus / Poseidon. Athena disguises herself and speak to Telemachus. Telemachus listens and yells at the suitors.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    Telemachus calls suitors for a meeting. Eagles started to attack the suitors. Telemachus wanted the Antiness to banish Athena.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    Book 3
    There is a feast and people getting ready to get on a ship. Agamemnon add and Menelaus calls for a meeting. The Mentor turned into an eagle during another feasy.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Part 1

    Book 4 Part 1
    Pisistratus had a feast with Telemachus and other people. Eidothea introduced herself to Pisistratus. Eidothea told Pisistratus that he'll hide in the sea carcasses.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Part 2

    Book 4 Part 2
    The Old Men transformed himself into different animals. The Old Men told Pisistratus that the only way to go home is to go back to Egypt and offer hecatombs to all the god upon the banks of the Nile. The Old Men of the Sea mentioned that he'd seen Odysseus trapped in the caves of the nymph Calypso on a island.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Half of Part 1

    Book 4 Half of Part 1
    Pisistratus and his comrades hide under seal carcasses. They waited until Proteus appeared to their location. When Proteus went to sleep, Pisistratus and his comrades started to follow Eidothea's orders.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Half of Part 2

    Book 4 Half of Part 2
    Proteus was confused as to what these guys try to do to him. Pisistratus continued to squeeze Proteus tight. Proteus couldn't turn to no other animal.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Part 3

    Book 4 Part 3
    People were asking Atinos is Telemachus is returning from Pylos. Citizens are upset at Telemachus because he's going to get them in trouble. Somebody told Telemachus about his whereabouts to his comrades.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Half of Part 3

    Book 4 Half of Part 3
    The guy who sold Telemachus the boat went to Telemachus's comrades and explained what'd happened. The guys were plotting to kill Telemachus. Also the guy who sold Telemachus said where Telemachus was going.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Part 4

    Book 4 Part 4
    A soldier gave Telemachus's mother some bad about her son. The soldier said that the suitors are going to kill Telemachus. Telemachus's mom was worried about her son.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4 Half of Part 4

    Book 4 Half of Part 4
    Penelope was praying that Zeus comes and protects Telemachus. Penelope was also crying about her son. Odysseus was at the cave called Calypso.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5 Part 2

    Book 5 Part 2
    Odysseus demanded that he wanted to go home. Calypso said that she is a better wife than Penelope. Calypso and Odysseus kiss passionately.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5 Part 3

    Book 5 Part 3
    Calypso told Odysseus to build him a boat. Odysseus sails along the ocean. He met with a huge giant of the sea.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5 Part 4

    Book 5 Part 4
    A mermaid gave Odysseus a veil to protect him on the ocean. Odysseus boat is destroyed. Odysseus made it safe to an island.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5 Part 1

    Book 5 Part 1
    Odysseus was at the island with Calypso. Hermes welcomed himself to Calypso. Hermes tried to give advice to Calypso, but she refuse to listen.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6 Part 1

    Book 6 Part 1
    Odysseus sleeps near the coast without any food and covered himself with leaves. Odysseus sees people singing. Nausicaa introduced herself to Odysseus.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6 Part 2

    Book 6 Part 2
    Odysseus takes a bath in a stream. The woman guided Odysseus to see Athena. Athena disguises herself as a little girl and met with Odysseus.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6 Part 3

    Book 6 Part 3
    Athena (little girl) guides Odysseus to Nausicaa's mother. Odysseus follows Athena (little girl). Odysseus was confident talking to Nausicaa's mother.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7 Part 1

    Book 7 Part 1
    Athena (Little Girl) takes Odysseus to Zeus or King Alcinoos. Athena (Little Girl) disappeared. Odysseus meets with Nausicaa's mother.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7 Part 2

    Book 7 Part 2
    Odysseus said that he was sent from Nausicaa. Odysseus ask Nausicaa's mother to help him get back home. Nausicaa's mother said that she'll help him but she had the servants to prepare his bed.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7 Part 3

    Book 7 Part 3
    After the servants prepare his bed, he went to sleep. He felt very comfortable being the bed Odysseus was glad that he doesn't have to sleep in the wild life.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8 Part 1

    Book 8 Part 1
    Phaeacians was throwing weapons into the sky. A guy introduced Odysseus. Odysseus threw a rock that made a big thud which shocked everybody.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8 Part 2

    Book 8 Part 2
    King Alcinoos had a great time outside. People were having fun too. Other people were dancing.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9 Part 2

    Book 9 Part 2
    The one eye giant picked up a massive stone and closed the entrance with it. He also lit a fire and was spying on them. The one eye giant was interrogating the crew.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9 Part 3

    Book 9 Part 3
    Odysseus and his crew were trapped in the cave with the one eye giant. The one eye giant ate two more men for breakfast. Odysseus and his crew made wine and gave it to one eye giant as a gift.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9 Part 1

    Book 9 Part 1
    Odysseus and his comrades had found a great cave near the shore. They thought that it was deserted and explored the cave. Odysseus and his comrades also met the one eye giant.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10 Part 1

    Book 10 Part 1
    Odysseus and his comrades found a floating island, walled all around with solid bronze, Aeolus welcomed the crew to a feast. Aeolus captured the winds and bound them up in a great bag.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 11 Part 2

    Book 11 Part 2
    Odysseus asked Tiresias how to get back home. Tiresias said the only way to get home by discipling himself and his men. Tiresias also gave other instructions to Odysseus.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 11 Part 3

    Book 11 Part 3
    Odysseus ask Tiresias can he see his mother who died? Tiresias replied and said yes. Odysseus and his Mother had a conversation.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 11 Part 4

    Book 11 Part 4
    Agamemnon told Odysseus that don't let anyone know you're home until you have ascertained the state of affairs. Achilles told Odysseus to spare him with Odysseus death. Odysseus had seen King Minos sitting in judgement.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 10 Part 2

    Book 10 Part 2
    The winds unleashed and battered the ship. Odysseus said to Aeolus that his crew betrayed him by opening the bag. Aeolus called Odysseus a pitiful man.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 10 Part 3

    Book 10 Part 3
    Odysseus hears "EEEEYAAAAGGHH" that was coming from the castle. There were some guys with animal heads attacking innocent people. They threw rocks at the ships which some were sinking.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 10 Part 1

    Book 10 Part 1
    Odysseus and his crew went to "The Land of the Dead." There were ghost and people dying. Odysseus saw Tiresias.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12 Part 1

    Book 12 Part 1
    Odysseus crew tied him up on the sail so that he don't blow away. Once they gotten off of the ship, they met Scylla. Scylla is a six headed monster who lives in a cave high up on that rocky cliff.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12 Part 2

    Book 12 Part 2
    Odysseus and his crew decides to go to the island of Thrinacia. A cursed wind blew day and night for thirty days. Which trapped them on Thrinacia.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12 Part 3

    Book 12 Part 3
    The vicious wind went away and they launched back to their ship. Zeus lightning bolt hit the ship which killed the helmsman. Odysseus was about die into this water that was circleling but he caught himself on a tree branch.
  • 1188 BCE

    Book 13 Part 1

    Book 13 Part 1
    Athena appears to Odysseus and shows him Mount Neriton which was his home. Athena gave him a disguise so that no one including wife recognize Odysseus. Athena explained to Odysseus that he should go see his old friend, Eumaeus.