1200 BCE
Book 1
Athena went and talked to Zeus after he sailed the sea for 10 years. -
1200 BCE
Book 1
Athena told hermes to tell Calypso to let odysseus go. -
1199 BCE
Book 5
Athena begs zeus to have mercy on odysseus. -
1199 BCE
book 5
Hermes shot down Pieria. -
1199 BCE
Book 5
odysseus builds a raft out to sea. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
odysseus made fun and taunted the cyclops and telling him his name and where he stayed at. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
odysseus spent 10 years at war in troy. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
Poseidon broke up the floors of the earth. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
Circe and Calypso delayed odysseus journey. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
Odysseus' crew robs and kills the cicones. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
The cyclops eats some of Odysseus' crew. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
Odysseus' men get out of Polyphemus' cave by strapping themselves to a sheep -
1198 BCE
Book 9
A wave almost brought the ship ashore. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
Telemus told the people that came to where he lived what will happen next. -
1198 BCE
Book 9
odysseus prayed to Zeus for help but he declined and made more trouble for them. -
1127 BCE
book 23
penelope didn't know there was a battle because she slept through it -
1127 BCE
book 23
the maid is not hurt or punished by penelope because she is old. -
1127 BCE
book 23
telemachus told the maid to get out of hiding after the battle -
1126 BCE
book 22
An arrow was shot through Antinous's throat -
1126 BCE
book 22
Eurymachus is killed by an arrow to the heart -
1126 BCE
book 22
telemachus leaves the storeroom open for when he gets 4 weapons for his allies -
1125 BCE
Book 21
Penelope takes out odysseus's bow -
1125 BCE
book 21
penelope has a contest on who ever can string odysseus's bow and shoot an arrow threw a line gets her hand in marriage -
1125 BCE
book 21
No suitors pass the test and Penelope really beilives that only odysseus can string the bow. -
1124 BCE
book 16
odysseus reunites with his son and cries while hugging him -
1124 BCE
book 17
odysseus trained a person like it was his pet and that was Argos -
1124 BCE
book 21
penelope seems to be fighting someone with her dads bow -
1124 BCE
book 21
a cowherd wanted zeus to grant him a wish -
1123 BCE
Book 16
Telemachus goes to the house of Eumaeus to ask him to take in odysseus -
1123 BCE
book 16
telemachus cant kill the suitors because if he does do it, then no one in his family can take the throne -
1123 BCE
book 16
the suitors want to kill telemachus to steal the family throne from him -
1122 BCE
Book 12
odysseus and his men gave a funeral for elepnor at dawn -
1122 BCE
Book 12
odysseus went back to the island where circe is to get Elepnor -
1122 BCE
Book 12
the sirens sing to lure in sailors to kill them -
1121 BCE
Book 11
Odysseus and his crew were on their way to the land of the dead -
1121 BCE
book 11
one of odysseus's men; Elpenor got so drunk that he got on top of a roof and jumped down, killing himself. -
1120 BCE
Book 10
One of the members opened the bag of wind causing them to go off course -
1120 BCE
Book 10
once they got to the island Circe then turned all of odysseus's men into pigs