The North and the South.

  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance
    According to Google it says that "An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio. The Northwest Ordinance was adopted on July 13, 1787, by the Confederation Congress, the house legislature operating under the Articles of Confederation."
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    According to an app called College Sidekick it says that "The Haitian Revolution marked an early origin of the sectional crisis. It helped splinter the Atlantic basin into clear zones of freedom and a not freedom shattering the longstanding assumption that African descended slaves could not also be rulers."
  • The admission of Vermont and Kentucky.

    The admission of Vermont and Kentucky.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that" with Vermont coming into the union as a free state, and Kentucky climbing as a slave state. Though Americans at the time made relatively little of the balancing act suggested by the admission of a slave state and a free state, The pattern became increasingly important."
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    According to an app called College Sidekick it says that "The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 more than doubled the size of the United States. Questions immediately arose as to whether these lands would be made slave or free."
  • The Second Great Awakening.

    The Second Great Awakening.
    According to an app called Collage Sidekick it says this about The Second Great Awakening "further sharpened political differences by promoting schisms within the major Protestant churches, schisms that also became increasingly sectional in nature."
  • The Missouri compromise.

    The Missouri compromise.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that" the Missouri Compromise marked a major turning point in America's sectional crisis because it exposed to the public just how divisive the slavery issue had grown. The debate filled newspapers, speeches, and congressional records. Antislavery and pro-slavery suggestions from that point forward repeatedly turning to points made during the Missouri debates."
  • The Missouri debate

    The Missouri debate
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that" the Missouri debate argued that farmers never intended slavery to survive the revolution and in fact it would disappear through peaceful means. The farmers of the Constitution never used word slave. Slaves were referred to persons held in service, perhaps referring to English common law precedents that question the Legitimacy of property in man."
  • The Missouri's crisis.

    The Missouri's crisis.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that " the Missouri crisis did not yet inspire hard and defenses of either slave or free labor as positive good. Those would come in the coming decades. In the meantime, the uneasy consensus forged by the Missouri debate managed to bring the measure of calm.
  • Missouri admission to the union of 1821

    Missouri admission to the union of 1821
    According to an app called College Sidekick it says this "exposed deep fault lines in American society. But the Compromise created a new sectional consensus that most white Americans, at least, hoped would ensure a lasting peace. Through sustained debates and arguments, white Americans agreed that the Constitution could do little about slavery where it already existed and that slavery, with the State of Missouri as the key exception, would never expand north of the 36°30′ line."
  • The Liberty Party.

    The Liberty Party.
    According to app called college sidekick it says that " delivery party leaders demanded to end of slavery and the district of Columbia, the end of the interstate slave trade, and the Prohibition of slavery's expansion into the west but the Liberty party also shunned women's Prohibition in the movement and distanced themselves from visions of true racial egalitarian."
  • The Manifest Dynasty

    The Manifest Dynasty
    According to Google it says that " the manifest dynasty represented to believe that American setters were destined to expand westward across North America , and that this belief was both obvious and certain. The belief was rooted in American Exceptionalism and Romantic nationalism, implying the inevitable spread of the Republic from governance. It was one of the earliest expeditions of American Imperialism in the United States of America."
  • The Mexican / American War.

    The Mexican / American War.
    According to an app called Britannica it says that " the Mexican-American War, was a war between the United States and Mexico."
  • The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

    The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that " The treaty infuriated anti-slavery leaders in the United States. The spoils gain from the Mexican War were impressive and it was clear they would help expand slavery."
  • The admission of Wisconsin.

    The admission of Wisconsin.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that" the admission of Wisconsin as a free state and May 1848 helped cool tensions after the Texas and Florida admission, but news for a number of failed revolution in Europe alarmed American reformers. As exiled radicals filtered out of Europe and into the United States, a woman's right movement also got underway at Seneca Falls, New York."
  • The free soil party.

    The free soil party.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that " The Free Soil Party perform bridged the Eastern and Western leadership together and called for the end to slavery Washington DC and a halt on slavery expansion in the territories. The free soil movement Harley made a dent and the 1848 election, but it drew more than four times the popular vote one by the Liberty party earlier."
  • The compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850
    According to the app called college sidekick it says that" The compromise 1850 tried offers something to everyone, but in the end, it only worsened the second sectional crisis. For Southerners, the package offered a tough new Fugitive slave law that empowered the federal government to deputize regular citizens arresting runaways. The compromise also allowed territories to submit sears directly to the Supreme Court over a status of Fugitive slaves within its bounds."
  • The Kansas-Nebraska debate

    The Kansas-Nebraska debate
    According to an app called sidekick it says that " The Kansas-Nebraska debate, the organized of the Republic party, and the 1856 presidential campaign all energized a new generation of political leaders, including Abraham Lincoln, beginning with his speech at Peoria, Illinois , in 1854, Lincoln carved out a message that encapsulated better then anyone else the main ideas and visions of the Republic Party."
  • Bleeding Kansas.

    Bleeding Kansas.
    According to an app called college sidekick It says that" Bleeding Kansas was the the first place to demonstrate the sectional crisis could easily, and in fact already was and, exploding into a full blown national crisis. As the national mood grew increasingly grim, Kansas attached militants representing the extreme sides of the of slavery debate."
  • The Declaration of the immediate causes.

    The Declaration of the immediate causes.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that" The declaration highlighted failure of the federal government to enforce the fugitive slave act over competing personally liberty laws In the northern sates. After the war many southerners claim that succession was primarily motivated by the concern to preserve states' rights, but the primary complaint of the very first ordinance of succession, listed the federal government's failures to exert it's authority over the northern states."
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter.

    The Battle of Fort Sumter.
    According to an app called Commonlit it says that" the Battle of Fort Sumter was technically defeat for the Union, Lincoln got what he wanted- for the south to fire the first shot. After Sumter, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion. Despite Lincoln's best efforts though, four more states - Virginia, North Carolina,Tennessee, and Arkansas - seceded and joined the confederacy.
  • The American Civil War.

    The American Civil War.
    According to an app called Britannica it says that" the American Civil War was a four year war between the United States and 11 Southern states that seceded from the union and formed the Confederate states of America.
  • The black laws.

    The black laws.
    According to an app called college sidekick it says that" the black laws of 1803 foreshadowed that exclusionary cultures of Indiana, Illinois, and several subsequent states of the old Northwest and later, the Far West. These laws often banned African American voting,denied black Americans access to public schools, and made it impossible for non-whites to serve on juries and in local militias, among a host of other restrictions and obstacles."
  • The Whig Party.

    The Whig Party.
    According to an app called Collage sidekick it says that this about the Whig Party "blamed Democrats for defending slavery at the expense of the American people, but antislavery was never a core component of the Whig platform. Several abolitionists grew so disgusted with the Whigs that they formed their own party, a true antislavery party. "
  • The westward expansion.

    The westward expansion.
    According to an app called Collage Sidekick it says this about the westward expansion it "challenged this consensus, and this time the results proved even more damaging. Tellingly, enslaved southerners were among the first to signal their discontent "
  • The cotton gin.

    The cotton gin.
    According to google it says that the cotton gin used a combination of a wire screen and small wire hooks to pull the cotton through, while brushes continuously removed the loose cotton lint to prevent jams.