The New World

  • Oct 11, 1492


    columbus lands in the bahamas
  • Period: Apr 14, 1500 to

    the English colonists

    Settlers arrive in North America for religious freedom
  • The English colonists

    The English colonists
    The settlers formed the Jamestown colony in Virginia
  • The English colonists

    The English colonists
    Jamestown started its own goverment
  • Pilgrims and Puritans

    Pilgrims and Puritans
    Pilgrims sail to the Amaricas for religious freedom. The ship they sailed in, the Mayflower, landed where Massachusetts is today. They called their colony Plymouth.
  • Pilgrims and Puritans

    Pilgrims and Puritans
    Puritans settled in Massachusetts. They wanted religious freedom.Leaders did not allow people to practice their religions in other countries.
  • The French and Indian War

    There were thirteen English Coloniesin North America.
  • The Quakers

    The Quakers
    They were religious groups, living in the colonies. They believed in the equality of every human being. They spoke out publicly against slaavery and the terrible conditions in prisons, and mental hospitals.
    They helped settle New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    France and Britian fought a war. American tribes fought too on both sides. They both wanted the territory west of the Apalanchian Mountains.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French surrendered. They lost a lot of their land in North America.
  • The War For Independence

    The War For Independence
    British troops marched from Boston to Lexington and Concord to take the colonists' weapons.Colonists fought back.
    100 colonists were wounded/killed.
    250 British soldiers were wounded/killed
    This was the beginning of the War for Independence.
  • The Musket

    The Musket
    The main weapon during this time, was the Musket.
    They weren't very practical
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Tomas Jefferson had many talents. He finest American architect, helped to create the American money system. He helped to start Virginia's state university, also played the violin. He later became the third president of United States.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    After the war,representatives from all thirteen colonies, met in Philadelphia.They voted for Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote a document called the Declaration of Independece. Signed on July 4, he believed in liberty, equality, and justice. Many more colonists want to fight against the british.
  • The declaration of Independence

    George Washinton led the colonial army in many battlers during the War for Independence. With the french, he trapped the British army at Yorktown, Virginia where they surrendered. The War for Independence was over.
  • Treaty

    A treaty is a written agreement, or document. Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Paris. This made the colonies one independent nation.
  • Olaudah Equiano (Primary source)

    He wrote a book about his life.