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The New Nation

  • Government Policy Towards Native Americans

    Government Policy Towards Native Americans
    The confederation decide how much power the sate and the government gets to make decisions and inforce laws.
  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    The decisions of the government and the president affected the new country as a whole. Dvelopment of the new country was in progress. (Political parties, the Louisiana territory, and developing a culture and way of life)
  • Hostile Intentions

    Hostile Intentions
    During this year preople in the Western terriotory of Mississippi requested for the government to provide military officers to fight in the local skirmish to protect the Western territory in Mississippi from the hostile Native Americans.
  • Draft of a Constitution

    Draft of a Constitution
    Constitution goes through several drafts. You can tell if you compare the final draft to the draft sent through confirmation.
  • Final draft of the new Constitution

     Final draft of the new Constitution
  • Final Draft

    Final Draft
    New Constitution final draft read. 42 delegates yet 39 affixed signatures. Submitted for ratification.
  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    The end and finalization of the New Nation and its constitution.