
The New Deal Timetoast

  • Glass-Steagall Banking Act

    Glass-Steagall Banking Act
    This act separated commercial banking from investment banking. This meant commercial banks could no longer risk depositor's money through stock speculation.
  • Farm Credit Administration (FCA)

    Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
    This administration helped farmers refinance their mortgages. The administration helped save millions of farms from foreclosure.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

    Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
    This act paid farmers to not grow certain crops, produce dairy products, and raise certain livestock. This was created because of the fact that prices for farm goods were low because of overproduction.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC)

    Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC)
    This Corporation provided government insurance for bank deposits. It also increased the publics confidence in the banking system.
  • Federal Housing Authority

    Federal Housing Authority
    Now called the HUD. This administration gives mortgage insurance and sets the standards for loans and construction.
  • Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    This was created to regulate the stock market and stop fraud.
  • National Labor Relations Board

    National Labor Relations Board
    This board organized factory elections through secret ballots to see if workers wanted a union. They were also allowed to stop unfair actions.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This act provides financial security for older citizens and unemployed workers. The most important part of this act is the monthly retirement benefit.