New deal

The New Deal

  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    Provided jobs for single males on conservation projects. This helped people get jobs and lowered the unemployment amount. This also helped the economy with diffrent projects.
  • Glass-Steagall Act

    Glass-Steagall Act
    Created ferally insured bank deposits ($2500 per investor at first) to prevent bank failures. Current day it protects banks up to ($250000.)
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Administration Act
    Aided farmers and regulated crop production. Protected frams price drops. Provided knowledge about soil erosion. Made so farmers made money and recovered from the dust bowl.
  • Public Works Administration

    Public Works Administration
    Created jobs on goverment projects. Received $3.3 billion appropriation from Congress for public works projects.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Adminstration

    Federal Emergency Relief Adminstration
    Helped states to provide aid for the unemplayed. Distributed millions of dollars of direct aid to unemployed workers. This helped people get out of imidiate troubles.
  • Securities and Exchange Commission

    Securities and Exchange Commission
    Regulated stock market and restricted margin buying. Helped the stock market recover after the crash.
  • National Youth Administration

    National Youth Administration
    Provided part-time jobs to more than two million collefe and highh school students.
  • Rural Electrification Administration

    Rural Electrification Administration
    Provided affordable electricity for isolated rural areas. Helped make so people could have house old items that used electricity.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    Allowed workers to join unions and oulawed union-busting tactics by managment.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Response to critics (Dr.Townsend and Huey Long), it provided pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to blind, deaf, disavled, and dependent children.