Period: to
The New Deal
Home Owners Loan Corporation
HOLC was for middle-class americans. This was for a 15 year loan for citiznes to pay monthly payments. It provide 20,000 workers to run this for more employment. -
Tennessee Valley Authority
The Tennessee Valley Authority Act was signed the TVA into law in 1933. Its primary goal was to modernize the Tennessee Valley by providing electricity, infrastructure, and modern methods of farming to the region’s population. It helped combat poverty by offering employment in construction projects as well as improving the infrastructure and helping farmers get more out of their land. -
Securities and Exchange Commission
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 created the SEC to oversee regulations and enforce the laws governing investment and banking. The SEC's job was to prevent another stock market crash by keeping a close watch on Wall Street for any illegal activity or shady business practices that contributed to the crash of 1929. -
Works Progress Admisitration (WPA)
Works Progress Admisitration (WPA) was headed by Harry Hopkins the former chief of Fedral Emergency Relief Administration.WPA was set out to create as much jobs as possible. Between the years of 1935 and 1943 WPA spent around $11 billion to give jobs to 8 million citizens. Most of these workers were unskilled for the job but these workers built 850 airports and repaired 651,000 miles of roads and streets. -
National Youth Admistration (NYA)
National youth admisitration (NYA) was created to provide education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young adults. NYA help provide with high school, college, and graduate students. -
Wagner Act
Senator Robert F. Wagner sponsors the reestablished th NIRA provison of collective bargaining.The fedral government protected the rights of workers to join the unions and engeage in collective bargaing. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The AAA was set out to raise crop prices and lower production. the theory was to reduce supply to boost prices.The government paid cotton farmers $200 million to plow under 10 million acres.This help raise profit and give farmers a good amount of money. -
Food, Drug and Cosmetic
The FDC established the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help oversee the labeling, manufacturing, and safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics. This allowed the government to review products before they hit the market and determine their suitability for consumption. This combatted the Depression by insuring people had confidence in the products that they were buying and also created more jobs in the health sector. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The FLSA introduced the 40 hour week works. This developed minum wage, time and a half, and overtime. This also ended the child labor laws.