The New Deal

  • Election

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President in 1932 folling his promise of a New Deal for America.
  • The Signing

    The Signing
    On March 9th 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt gets a willing Congress to enact many of The New Deal programs
  • Bank Act

    Bank Act
    On June 16th,1933 Congress passed the farm Credit Act and the Banking Act of 1933.
  • Civil Workers

    Civil Workers
    On November 8th FDR. establish by executive order the Civil Workers Administrated (CWA) to provided work for some 4 million unemployed over the winter months. It ceases operation March 1934.
  • January 4,1934

    January 4,1934
    On January 4,1934 for asks 10 dollar bill a half billion dollars to advance recovery programs over the next 18 months
  • Crop Loan Act

    Crop Loan Act
    Congress passes the Crop Loan Act, which continues the Farm Credit Administration. This provided loans to farmers base on crop production and harvesting.
  • Security Exchange Act

    Roosevelt passes Security Exchange Act, establishing the SEC to regulate security transactions.
  • Corporate Bankruptcy Act

    Congress passes Corporate Bankruptcy Act, allowing a corporation facing bankruptcy to reorganize if 2/3 of its creditors agree.
  • FHA & FBA

    On June 28,1934 national housing act establishing the Federal Housing Act(FHA)to insure loans for construction, renovation or repairs of homes. Also, Tobacco Control act(limiting production), and federal Farm Bankruptcy Act passes.
  • Beginning phase 2 if the New Deal

    Beginning phase 2 if the New Deal
    FDR proposes long-term goals of providing for social security for aged, ill and unemployed, better housing and tax reform.
  • Security Act

    FDR signs the Social Security Act.
  • Public Utilities Act

    FDR signs the Public Utilities Act giving federal agencies new powers of regulating the gas & electric companies.
  • Revenue Act

    Congress passes the Revenue Act, increasing taxes on inheritances ,gifts, and higher income individuals.
  • Wins Elections

    Roosevelt defeats Alfred M. Landon in a presidential landslide victory. Democrats hold onto House & Senate.
  • Frustrated with Supreme Court

    FDR felt the Supreme Court was "thwarting the will of the nation". Therefore sent a message to Congress proposing the reorganization of the federal judiciary system.
  • Supreme Court Retirement Act

    Congress passes this act which simply permits Supreme Court Justices to retire at the age of 70 with full pay.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    In a series of decisions the Supreme Court rules that the National Labor Relations Act is constitutional. They passed this so FDR wouldn't reorganize the court.
  • Passing the Social Security Act

    Supreme Court rules that Social Security Act is constitutional - also to prevent any changes to the court.
  • Judicial Reform Act

    President Roosevelt signs the Judicial Reform Act, a compromise on his original reorganization plan.
  • Signing of the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act

    FDR signs Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, an extension of his previous efforts to deal with recession.
  • State of the Union address to Congress

    In FDR's annual State of the Union address to the congress, he shifts his emphasis from domestic issues to the international scene. Which was about 1/6 of his $9 billion budget request that will go to defense.