The Navigation Acts

  • An Act for increase of Shipping, and Encouragement of the Navigation of this Nation

    An Act for increase of Shipping, and Encouragement of the Navigation of this Nation
    A law that gave Parliament the right to make further laws about international trade. It also reinforced the decision from the 1300s that goods we're only to be transported from England and the colonies to England and the colonies in English ships only.
  • An Act for the Encouraging and Increasing of Shipping and Navigation

    Strengthened the previous act and required a 75% English-born crew rate, adding a punishment of losing a ship and its contents should the ratio be unmet.
  • An Act for the Encouragement of Trade

    Law that required all cargo routed for the colonies had to pass through England for inspection. This also made it so taxes had to be paid to leave English ports. Law also made shipping time extend, making items more expensive.
  • An Act for the Encouragement of the Greenland and Eastland Trades

    Increased British presence in whale oil and fishing industries in Baltic area. Also put charges on goods traveling from one colony to another.
  • The Plantation Trade Act

    The Plantation Trade Act
    Tightened previous acts and also gave colonial customs agents the same powers as English agents.
  • Hat Act

    Hat Act
    Act forbidding the colonies from exporting hats and employing a certain amount of hat makers.
  • The Molasses Act of 1733

    The Molasses Act of 1733
    Imposed a steep tax on molasses import. Tax was a sixpence on each gallon. Forced colonists to buy expensive cane sugar from East India Company. Was in effect for 30 years.