
The Mystery of Boo Radley

  • The Beginning of Summer

    The Beginning of Summer
    Dill comes to Macomb, Alabama to visit a family member for the summer. Jem and Scout intoduce Dill to the mystery of Boo Radley. Dill seems very interested in the "malevolent phantom" (pg. 9) Dill "gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out." (pg. 1).
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    Chapter 1-11

  • The Mystery of Boo Radley

    The Mystery of Boo Radley
    Jem and Scout explain to Dill the story of Boo Radley. Boo Radley was sent to the state industrial schedule for disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, assualt and battery, and using abusive and profane language in the presence and hearing of a female. They tell him that Boo was allowed to come home with a promise of good behavior. Boo was not seen again in 15 years. (pg. 11)
  • A Dare

    A Dare
    Dill dares Jem to run up to the Radley place and touch the house. Jem has never turned down a dare in his life. Jem runs towards the house and slaps he house. "The old house was the same, droopy and sick, but as we stared down the street we thought we saw an inside shutter move. Flick. A tiny, almost invisible movement, and the house was still." (pg. 14-15)
  • Boo Radley: The Game

    Boo Radley: The Game
    Dill returns to Macomb and the children decide to play a new game. That new game happens to be about Boo Radley. They renacted the killing of old Mr. Radley. Scout was Mrs. Radley. Dill was old Mr. Radley. Jem was Boo.
  • Gum in a Tree

    Gum in a Tree
    Scout finds gum in tree on the Radley lot (pg. 37) Jem insists that she spits it out immediently. Scout is persistant and she doesn't spit it out. Jem says "you know you’re not supposed to even touch the trees over there...You’ll get killed if you do!" Scout and Jem continue to find treasures in the tree, They start to question if Boo is the one giving them little presents in the tree.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    The children try to get Boo to leave his house. They write him a letter. Atticus finds out about their plan and puts a stop to their actions. (pg. 52-54) Scout, Jem, and Dill are still very interested in Boo.
  • Jem Loses His Pants

    Jem Loses His Pants
    Scout, Dill, and Jem try to sneek a peak in the Radley's house. They are caught by Mr. Radley. They run away from the house but Jem gets caught on the fence. He left his pants behind. Jem returns to find his pants mended and neatly folded over the fence (pg. 60) He suspects someone in the Radley house would know he would come back for his pants.
  • The Tree Gets Cemented

    The Tree Gets Cemented
    Scout, Jem, and Dill discover the tree with the knothole gets cemented (pg. 70) Mr. Radley cemented the hole because the tree was "dying". The children realize their days of getting treasures are from Boo Radley are over!
  • The Death of Mrs. Radley

    The Death of Mrs. Radley
    Over the summer Mrs. Radley dies (pg. 72). Scout and Jem are convince Boo "got to her" at last. Atticus tells the children that she died of natural causes. That somewhat dissapoints them.
  • The Fire at Mrs. Maudie's

    The Fire at Mrs. Maudie's
    In the middle of the night, a fire sparks at Mrs. Maudie's (pg. 81) Scout and Jem are told to get out of their house. The night was a cold one. Scout was very cold and didn't notice Boo Radley drape a blanket around her shoulders. The Scout and Jem start to rethink their image of Boo Radley.