The most important people in my life and me

  • Chirstmas!!!

    This is my favorite Holliday because it is a tradition for me and my mom to decorate the tree and the house! This picture was made in my homecountry Romania! I can't believe how time passed by so fast!
  • My 17th Birthday

    My 17th Birthday
    It was a great day! The party was hosted at my place and I invited a lot of friends to stay over the night, so it was a huge sleepover! I laughed so hard that day. It was amazing, but I'm never getting that chance again because my mom can't stand all the noise that was made!
  • The two boys that drive me nuts

    The two boys that drive me nuts
    The boy in yellow s my brother and the one in black is my cousin. We have our fights, some bad, some even worse, but we are always there fro each other and we have each others back, so I'm thankful for them!
  • Traditional Romania dancing contest

    Traditional Romania dancing contest
    The dance crew that reprezented my city won the first place! Every year there is a big traditional dance contest between dance crews from different cities, and last summer I got to go to one and I am not a big traditional dancing fan, but every time I see them dance I am filled with excitement! I was so happy for them! They did an incredible job and they worked really hard to get where they are!
  • The summer of 2015 - Love these people

    The summer of 2015 - Love these people
    Over the summer break I went to Romania for a month and ahalf. It was the best summer ever! Every night I staied out till 12/1 a.m. with my friends and we had the time of our lives! We did so many things it wold take me forever to list them all!
  • Millenium Park

    Millenium Park
    It was the last day my best friend was staying in America and I went with the downtown Chicago and we viseted Millenium Park and Shed Aquarium! We were so lucky it was very warm that they because we walked a lot!