Vertical portrait pretty 14 year old girl 15388171

The Most Important Events of my Life

  • My birth

    My birth
    It was an important event for all my family and the beginning of the beautiful life I am actually enjoying.
  • Learning to walk

    Learning to walk
    I was at home with my parents when I surprisingly started to walk. They told me that they were talking to each other when they suddenly saw me walking. This event was really shocking for them.
  • The loss of my first tooth

    The loss of my first tooth
    I was eating an apple when my tooth fell down. At the beginning I didn't know what was it until I saw my tooth in the floor. When I saw it in the floor I took it and I went towards my parents to tell them what had happenned.
  • My best Christmas

    My best Christmas
    The Christmas of 2011 was my best one because it was the first time I helped my parents to prepare the Christmas tree and to decorate the whole house. From this day I always participate in the decoration of my house. It is a great opportunity to be with the family.
  • My first trip by train to my village

    My first trip by train to my village
    My mum and I went to our village by train. It was an adventure because it was the first time that we went to our village, Trujillo, with this transport. We first took a train from Bilbao to Madrid and then another one from Madrid to Navalmoral de la Mata.
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    It was very special because it was something new for a ten years old girl. Firstly, it was funny because there were some friends. Secondly, it was very familiar because all my family was reunited. Finally, it was very emotional because it was the first time I received so many presents.
  • School trip

    School trip
    I was eleven years old when I went to Cornejo for a weekend. I went with people of my same course and some teachers. We enjoyed it a lot because we did many activities such as, cannoing, climbing... It was a great adventure!
  • London

    I went with my friends in April and we spent there one week. We went by plane and that is why it was a short trip. We visited many things such as, the Big Ben, the London Eye and the London Bridge. They are places that I would never forget because I had a good time.
  • My favourite actors

    My favourite actors
    The actors I met one year ago were Mario and Oscar Casas. I met them when Mario Casas was performing "Bajo la piel del lobo" for the first time. With him was also his brother Oscar Casas, supporting Mario. It was very shocking because I took photos with them.
  • MTV 2018 Bilbao

    MTV 2018 Bilbao
    It was in BIlbao, in the BEC to be more specific. There were many singers and actors from different parts of the world. I went with my friends but we did not see the spectacle. Nevertheless, we were in the red carpet and we could take photos with some of them.