The Most Important Events During European History (Absolutism to Revolution)

  • May 21, 1527

    The Reign of Phillip II

    King Phillip is one of the most influential in terms of future events. Not only did he inherit Spain, the Spanish Netherlands, and the American colonies, but he also launched the legendary Spanish Armada. As we know, the Spanish Armada ended up becoming one of the greatest armies in history.
  • Dec 3, 1553

    The Reign of Ivan the Terrible

    The reign of Ivan the Terrible was one of the worst moments in in this time of history. He inherited the throne at 3 years old and was announced to be a decent king until the death of his wife. He started making life in Russia much harder for everyone in and out of the nation. Future kings learned to stray away from his actions.
  • The Thirty Year War

    The Thirty Year War is another one of those wars that had its ups and downs. There was continuous conflict over religion, territory and power amidst the European ruling families. This eventually leads to a war which lasts from 1618 to 1648.
  • Cardinal Richelieu is Appointed

    Appointed by none other than Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu ended becoming an increasing force for the Bourbon Monarchy. He weakened moves against Huguenot due to him believing that it would create large conspiracies against the Catholic King. He also weakened the power of noble families by forcing them to tear down their castles.
  • The Reign of Charles I

    King Charles wasn't one of the best kings, but he certainly made an impact in European society. He always needed money because of the war with Spain & France. One good side for him is that he agreed to the Petition of Rights; an agreeable document during its time.
  • The English Civil War

    This event is one of the most influential. The war was fought between supporters and opponents of King Charles I. They fought over none other than power. The good side to this is that the war, along with the Interregnum, brought forth the end of Monarchy for eleven years. Charles' supporters were called Royalists and Parliament supporters were Puritans.
  • The Reign of Louis XIV

    The Reign of Louis XIV was not a memorable time for nothing. According to many, Louis XIV was the strongest king France has ever had. Something that even solidified him as the strongest, was his statement "I am the State".
  • The Signing of the Peace of Westphalia

    The Signing of the Peace of Westphalia is almost as important as the Declaration of Independence. The document weakened Hapsburg state of Spain and Germany, strengthened France by awarding it German territory, made German princes independent of the Holy Roman Emperor, ended religious wars in Europe, introduced a new method of peace negation where participants come together to peacefully discuss solution, and ended the Thirty Year War
  • The Reign of Oliver Cromwell

    Before becoming the leader of England, he was a general in Civil War. During his time as the leader of England he helped in the attempt of abolishing monarchy, he held Charles I prisoner after English Civil War and tried him for treason, and he ruled as a military dictator until his death 1658. He also helped to draft the first European constitution.
  • Louis XIV gains full control over France

    I believe that this event is important for a few reasons. First reason is because he helped build the beautiful and memorable palace, Versailles. Another reason is because he attempts to invade the Spanish Netherlands and wins over twelve towns. My final reason is that he brings about other European countries in order to form alliance because of the fear of being conquered by opposing nations.
  • The Reign of Peter the Great

    Peter the Great is one of the greatest people in his time. He introduced potatoes which suddenly became a Russian diet staple. He even raised the status of women.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution is truly an impactful mark in European History. In my perspective there are two main reasons for its influence. Due to being a Catholic, King James II was overthrown and was forced leave to France. After he was dethroned, Mary and William of Orange took over the English throne.