The Modern Environmental Movement

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    In Japan 27 tons of methyl mercury where dumped into the ocean and 2 million were affect. But not just people fish were highly affected as well and regulation were put in place to clean the ocean floor
  • Silent spring

    Silent print was a book which was an attempt to take down a big corporation from using Synthetic pesticides which are harmful to humans and the environment. This was called DDT and this cause malaria to go way up.
  • Seveso dioxin accident

    Was a chemical factory explosion near seveso Italy. this explosion exposed the residents near by to Dixon which is carcinogen and potent endocrine disruptor. This put the health of these residents future kids, grandkids, and beyond.
  • Bhopal - gas diastar

    A Indian chemical plant which began to leak due to negligence of safety and containment features. 3,800 were killed. This destroyed the environment through the color less and odor less gas.
  • Chenorbyl

    5 million people where affect by the explosion of 4 reactors in Ukraine caused by a untrained worker. And when first responders got to the scene they didn’t have the correct protective covering and were also affected. Regulation that were caused by this accident were nuclear safety and a conversation for early citing of nuclear reactions
  • Exxon Valdez oil spill

    This was an oil tank spill in prince william sound, Alaska. Spilled 11 million gallons of oil in this ecologically sensitive area. Since this spill was at such a large scale it was one of the large environmental disasters in the United States. This spill hurt the ocean habitats and killed around 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, about 22 killer whales, and
    Billions of salmon and herring eggs
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    Julia Butterfly HeadWaters

    Julia butterfly spent 2 years living in a redwood tree because a lumber company had bought the land and begun clear cutting. And the hill started to have mud slides.
  • Deep water horizon oil spill

    The deep water horizon spill was an oil rig explosion in Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisianan. This was the largest oil spill in history. This brought up awareness to the risks to offshore drilling for the marine life.
  • Fukushima Daiichi (text)

    A nuclear accident that was case by a tsunami in Okuma, Japan. Destroying 3 reactors cooling systems and causing them to explode. And releasing radioactivity into the water. (Pg. 14)
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    Aliso Canyon methane leak

    The aliso canyon gas leak was a methane gas leak from a natural gas storage facility. And this gas leak cause great impacts on our atmospheres heat 1000’s of times stronger then CO2. And this 6 month leak allowed around 109 thousand metric tons of methane. But this was resolved by putting mud over the well hole but still has caused major heat raises of our atmosphere.