By SDD_22
  • 1300


    There is not an exactly year of when renaissance began. But its generally begin in the 14 century after the end of the middle ages and in the 17 century .Fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth.IN renaissance ther are many historical events , for example :
    - Renewed interest in Classical Greek and Roman scholarship and values.
    - was first expressed by the movement called humanism.
    And much historical event like the ones we coment before between 14 -17
  • 1436

    Florence cathedral dome by Brunelleschi

    This cathedral is located in Italy and was built between 1420 and 1436 , planned by Flilippo .In 1418 the Opera Duomo announced a public competition for the construction of the dome .Then the Opera agreed that Filippo would be the superindented .
    Filippo souluions for the dome were ingenious and inovative .The structure of the dome was like this :
    It is an octagonal structure in stone and brick masonry, with external diameter, in fact htere are two domes one internal and the other one external.
  • 1498

    Pieta by Michelangelo Buoanrrroti

    This is a marble suclpture work of renaissance, which is in st.Peter Bascilia in Vatican city of Jesus and Mary represinting the "seven sorrow" created in 1498.
    This sculpture captures the moment when Jesus was taken off from the cross and given to his mother, despicts the body of Jesus on her mother lap .This sculpture is made by Michelangelo which born in 1475 in high renaissance florence. And the reason he maybe did this is because the sadness and devastation of the Virgin have to be shown .
  • 1509

    The school of Athens , by Raphael Sanzio

    This is a painting located in the Vatican city , painted by Raphael Sanzio, which is one of the most significant works in the renaissance .
    The school of athens is a complex allegory of several philosophy knowing .
    The painting show as Plato and Aristotle surrounded by philosophers, which illustrate historical continuity of platonic thought. The meaning of these painting represent two opposite schools of thought in western policy : the physical world and spiritual world.
  • 1516

    The regin od Carlos I

    Charles I of Spain, born on February 24, 1500, was king of Spain from 1516 to 1556 and Holy Roman emperor .Throughout his reign he struggled to keep his inheritance intact in the face of Protestant threats in Germany, French threats in Italy, and Turkish threats on the Mediterranean coast. Despite tremendous military expenditures, Charles was unable to check all three forces simultaneously.
    One of the most important things he did was to he was in the traty of tortesillas with Portugal.
  • 1520

    The revolt of the Comuneros n Castilla

    It was an uprising by citizens of Castile against the rule of Charles I and his administration between 1520 and 1521.The revolt occurred in the wake of political instability in the Crown of Castile after the death of Queen Isabella I in 1504.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    This agreement a was reaction to the rise of protectanism ,a branch of christianity , opposed to Catholic church and the subsequent religion conflict .In 1517 Martin Luhter published hin ninty five theses , in which he criticised the sale of indulgences , this was the most prominent criticism.Well the peace of Augusburg is first permanent legal basis for the coexistence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany. This was made September 25, 1555.
  • 1556

    The regin of Felipe II

    Philip II was born on May 21, 1527, in Valladolid, Spain. Philip was the son Philip II’s accomplishments originated him as a very well known king. Philip II was a hard-working ruler who was ushered in the Golden Age of Spain, being the most powerful nation. He was the most powerful monarch, he also helped the Catholic Church persecute Protestants during the Counter-Reformation of Charles V—the reigning Holy Roman emperor.
  • 1568

    The rebellion of the Alpujarras

    This was a conflict in Spain in the regin of Felipe II in the years 1568-1571, in which :
    Was the second such revolt against the Castilian Crown in the mountainous Alpujarra region and on the Granada Altiplano region, northeast of the city of Granada. The rebels were Moriscos, the nominally Catholic descendants of the Mudéjares .Discontent among the new "Moriscos" led to a second rebellion, led by a Morisco known as Aben Humeya, starting in December 1568 and lasting till March 1571.
  • 1568

    Eighty years war

    Eighty Years’ War, 1568–1648, the war of Netherlands independence from Spain, which led to the separation of the northern and southern Netherlands and to the formation of the United Provinces of the Netherlands . The first phase of the war began with two unsuccessful invasions.When Charles I ascended the Spanish throne in 1516, the Burgundian Netherlands joined a host of countries that formed the Spanish Empire. .
  • 1579

    The signment of the union of Arras

    This was an alliance during the eighty years war , signed on 6 of January of 1579, in which the southern states of the Netherlands , expressed loyalty to Philip the second and recognized his governor general and intent to offer a vigorous defense of the Roman Catholic religion against what they saw as the encroachments of the Calvinists in other province. This treaty have some conditions for example tha calvinism isnt allowed and that roman catholic reliegion was the allowed.
  • 1579

    The signment of the union of Utretch

    The Union of Utrecht was a treaty signed on 23 January 1579 in Utrecht, Netherlands, unifying the northern provinces of the Netherlands, until then under the control of Habsburg Spain in the eighty tears war .Well this consist of a signed by the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands in league against Spain; the treaty established a military league to resist the Spaniards and served as the foundation of the Dutch Republic and later kingdom.
  • The defeat of the Spain Armanda by England

    The Spanish Armada was an enormousship naval fleet dispatched by Spain in 1588 as part of a planned invasion of England. Following years of hostilities between Spain and England, King Philip II of Spain assembled the flotilla in the hope of removing Protestant. England defeat of the Spanish Armada led to a surge of national pride in England . They could be defeated because of Elizabeth’s spies and military advisors . This was one of the biggest anglo spanish war.
  • Baroque art

    The baroque art was born in Italy in the 17 century .This style usually uses contrast movement , exuberant detail , deep color ...
    Three broader cultural and intellectual tendencies had a profound impact on Baroque art as well as Baroque music. The first of these was the emergence of the Counter-Reformation and the expansion of its domain, both territorially and intellectually.
    The second tendency was the consolidation of absolute monarchies, accompanied by a simultaneous crystallization
  • Apollo and Daphne, by Bernini

    This is a sculpture, of 1622, made by Bernini.That show us the colmunitation of the history of Apollo and Daphne in metamorphosis. When Apollo, clothed with Cupid’s love arrow, sees Daphne, he is amazed at her beauty. But Daphne was doomed to Cupid’s repulsive love and denied the love of men. When the Nymph runs away, .Then, she says to her father "change the body that destroys my life.” and the body os daphne changed , and yet, Apollo has not lost his passion for Daphne.
  • Saint Peters square project by Bernini

    St Peter’s Square in the Vatican City State is one of the most famous squares in the world, It was designed by Bernini.The construction of the square took place between 1656 and 1667.Saint Peter’s Square has bordered on two sides by semicircular colonnades. According to Bernini, these colonnades represent the stretched arms of the church, which embraces the world .An interesting fact is taht when you a plate and look at any colonnade, it will look as if there is only one row.
  • The Spinners ,by Velázquez

    This is a painting, painted by Velázquez, this is also located in Prade musesum in Madrid. The painting is a depiction of the mythological tale of Arachne, which is originally described in Ovid's Metamorphoses, book .Its a genre scene in a tapestry factory, is at the same time an illustration of the ancient Greek fable of the spinning contest between Pallas Athena and Arachne.Velázquez was intimately acquainted and could have served as sources of inspiration with Tinoretto...
  • Neoclassical event

    Neoclassicism was born in Rome in 1760.Neoclassicism art was a revival of Classical ideals, and it is important to place it contextually to understand it as a movement.Neoclassicism was influenced by significant changes taking place in Europe, specifically two massive shifts within society after the Medieval Ages.Neoclassical painting can be divided into two distinct developmental stages, namely, Early and Late Neoclassicism. Some example of neoclassical painting : Oath the Horatti and Parnassus
  • Oath of the Horatti, by Jacques Louis David

    Is a painting , by Jacques Louis David painted in 1784 .It is located in the Louvre in Paris .Thisshow and represents:
    Neoclassicism and the Horatii brothers taking an oath to fight for RomeIt depicts three men, brothers, saluting toward three swords held up by their father as the women behind him grieve.No one had ever seen a painting like it.Similar subjects were n the Salons before but the physicality and intense emotion of the painting was new and undeniable.
  • Carlos IV of spain and his family , by Francisco de Goya .

    This painting was painted by spanish artist Francisco Goya , this painting is located in Prade museum in Madrid .
    The painting show us Carlos IV an his family dressend in fine costume and jewellery .Carlo IV and his wife are surrounded by all ther sons and daughters . An interesting fact is that he became the first chamber painterto the royal family . He started the painting in 1800 and finish it in 1801.
  • 1801 and 1802

    In 1802, the Spanish government also signed trade treaties with several countries, including Britain, France, Portugal, and Holland. These agreements allowed Spain to increase its foreign trade and expand its influence in Europe. In the same year, Spain also established a commercial exploration company to encourage trade with Latin America. This company was the forerunner of what is now known as the Royal Company of Commerce of Spain.

    - L´ OPERA di santa maria de fiore .