The Middle East

  • Period: to

    The Middle East

  • Rosetta Stone Dechipering

    Rosetta Stone Dechipering
    The Rosetta Stone in an ancient Egyptian granite stone with a decree from 196 BC on it. It is writen in three different languages; Egyptian Hieroglphys, Demotic, and Greek and was dechiphered in 1822.
  • Young Turk Revolution

    Young Turk Revolution
    The Young Turk Revolution was a revolt in which the 3rd army corps marched against Istanbul.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    A letter writen by the Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour. IT was originally wrote to be sent to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland in support of Zionism but was later incorporated into the Sevres peace treaty between Turkey and the Mandate for Palestine.
  • Mesopotamia

    Definition: Land between two rivers.
    Mesopotamia was literally between 2 rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It sat in what is now modern day Iraq. Also known as the Craddle of Civilization, it is said that all life started there. It was home to the very first civilization called Sumer.
  • Lebanon Becomes Independent

    Lebanon Becomes Independent
    On November 26, 1941 General Georges Catroux announced that lebanon would become independent under the authority of the Free French government. In 1943 elcetions were held and the new Lebanez government was created but soon after they were all thrown in jail by the French. But they were forced with international pressure to let them go and did so on Nov. 22, 1943.
  • Israel is Created

    Israel is Created
    On this day in 1948 the Jewish People's Council declared the establishment of teh State of Israel. The idea of creating Israel began in the late 19th century when a campaign by the Zionist movement were calling for a creation of the homeland for the Jews.
  • Egypt Nationalizes Suez Canal

    Egypt Nationalizes Suez Canal
    The nationalization of the suez canal was caused by the United States cutting off all financial support of building the Aswan dam and in response, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal.
  • Civil War in Lebanon

    Civil War in Lebanon
    The civil war in lebanon lasted from 1975 to 1990 and killed 120,000 people. Another million people were wounded which is a quarter of the population.
  • Israel Bombs Iraqi Nuclear Reactor

    Israel Bombs Iraqi Nuclear Reactor
    The bombing was called Operation Opera by the Israelis. The reason for bombing the french built reactor was because they belived that it was being used to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.
  • United States Invades Iraq

    United States Invades Iraq
    The reason for invading Iraq in 2003 was to find the weapons of mass destruction that they were supposedly buliding there. It was later found out that nothing of the sort was being built there and the whole invasion was for no good at all.,