
The Middle Ages

  • 476

    The Fall Of Rome

    The Fall Of Rome
    Barbarian tribes invaded Rome. Economic troubles also played a part. There was also governemnt corruption and politically instable.
  • 565

    Justinian I

    Justinian I
    He was the emporor of Byzantium. Unlike most of the great rulers during the Middle Ages, Justinian was not born into a royal family. He was born to a peasant named Vigilantia in the Macedonian town of Tauresium. The laws he created were used all over the world.
  • Dec 20, 1066

    Norman Conquest

    Norman Conquest
    The Normans were Vikings who had settled along the coast of France. In 1066 the King of England, Edward the Confessor, died. Unfortunately, Edward did not have any children and there wasn't a logical choice for the next king of England. Three men all claimed to be the rightful heir to the crown.
  • Sep 11, 1087

    William the Conquerer

    William  the Conquerer
    Even when he was king of England he spent most of his time in Normandy. William's wife Matilda was only 4 feet 2 inches tall.William was born in 1028 in the city of Falaise which was part of the Duchy of Normandy. His father was the powerful Robert I, Duke of Normandy, but his mother was the daughter of a local tanner.
  • Jan 8, 1200

    Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan
    He was the founder of the Mongol Empire. His name as a boy meant "finest steel". A name which well suited him as an adult when he grew up to become the merciless ruler he is most knows for.
  • Dec 16, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Stated that the King was not above the land, like a dictator is or an Emporer. It changed how people viewed government and democracy.
  • Dec 20, 1226

    Saint Francis of Assisi

    Saint Francis of Assisi
    He was the founder of the Fransiscan Order. At 19 he went to war and was taken prisoner. He was held in a dungeon for a year before his dad baught him back. As Francis lived his life of poverty and preached to people about the life of Jesus Christ, people began to follow him. By 1209, he had around 11 followers. Heis one basic rule was "To follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps".
  • Dec 16, 1324

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Left for china at age 17. He was a traveler and discoverer.
  • Period: Jan 8, 1337 to Dec 20, 1453

    Hundred Years War

    This was a prolonged war between the French and the English with many breaks in between. Contrary to popular belief the war actually lasted 116 years, but "Hundred and Sixteen Years War" doesn't sound as nice.
  • Dec 25, 1348

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
  • Dec 25, 1430

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    She is famous for leading the French against the English in the Hundred Years War at a very young age. She was the ultimate underdog since she was a peasant farm girl who was given an army. She never gave, persevered, and showed that even Women could lead troops into war at a time when women were viewed as maids.
  • Jan 8, 1500

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    It begins in Europe. It marks the end of the middle ages. the renaissance was a term coined by Petrarch which means rebirth of greek and Roman ideals.
  • Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    Ended the three years of the Carolingian Civil War, was a treaty of the three surviving sons of Louis the Pious, the son and successor of Charlemagne, which divided the territories of the Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms between the grandsons of Charles the Great.
  • Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great
  • Charlemagne

    He was the founding father of the French and German Monarchies. His name means Charles the Great and was knokn for making and enforcing many laws. A cool fact about him is that he was married to 5 different women during his life.