Middle ages

The Middle Ages

  • 455

    The Indian Gupta Empire is destroyed by White Huns

    The Indian Gupta Empire is destroyed by White Huns
    The Indian Gupta empire was invaded and destroyed in 455 - 606
  • 476

    The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire

    The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire
    The fall of Rome was invaded by the Huns from the east, they invaded (pushed into) the Goths, who then invaded the Roman Empire.
  • 620

    Muslims conquer much of the Middle East

    Muslims conquer much of the Middle East
    In the late 620's Muhammad had already conquered much of Arabia under Muhammad's orders.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Normans conquer England

    The Normans conquer England
    The Norman conquest of England was in October 14 1066. William Duke of Normandy was the leader of the conquest while winning the conquest of England.