The Middle Ages

  • 400


    Germanic groups invaded the Western Roman Empire
  • 476

    Empire Ends

    Groups overthrew the last emperor in Rome and brought the Empire to an end.
  • 500

    Western Europe

    Western Europe had divided into many Germanic Kingdoms.
  • 700

    Power Passed

    Power had passe from kings to government officials known as mayors of the palace.
  • 714

    Charles Martel

    Charles Martel or "Charles the Hammer" became mayor of the palace
  • 732


    Charles Martel defeated the Muslims at the Battle of the Tours.
  • 754

    Germanic Group

    Pepin forced a Germanic group called the Lombards to leave Rome.
  • 768

    Son becomes King

    Pepin diesd, his son Charles becomes King of the Franks.
  • 800


    Charles kingdom had grown into an Empire.