Fall of Rome
476 is commonly agreed to be the year that the fall of Rome began.It is said that barbarians began invading and problems among emperors arose. In 476 Rome completly fell. -
Beginning of Middle Ages
In about 500 A.D. the Middle Ages begun. Christianity rose in popularity across the continent and became a commom practice among people. It is also here that the first dominant kingdom, the Germanic Tribe, had arose. -
Beginning of Islam
In this year Muhammed is born. Later on he would have a vision in the Cave of Hara. This would cause the foundation of Islam. -
Dec 16, 602
Final Roman-Persian War
In 602 a Roman army went under the leadership of Phocas. Until 629 Rome battled its final war with Persia. In 629 Heraclius had restored the True Cross in Jerusalem. -
Dec 16, 1001
Peace and Truce of God
The was a movement from the Catholic Church that was meant to stop violence in feudal society. This is first known instance of a peaceful movement that controlled medieval Europe. For this movement many civilians having no conflicts or acts of violence. -
Dec 19, 1021
The Tale of Genji
In 1021 Murasaki Shikibu wrote the piece of literature "The Tale of Genji". Today her work is remembered as being most likely the world's first novel. Today it is a fondly remembered piece of literature that has been released around the world. -
Dec 16, 1096
The Holy Crusades
In the mid Middle Ages Churches called for a reclaim of holy areas near Jerusalem. The Crusades are said to have lasted from 1096 to 1291. It is estimated that there were seven or eight major Crusades and a uncountable number of smaller ones. -
Dec 16, 1135
The Anarchy
In 1135 a war in England and Normandy broke out. After a conflict and problems with the law and order of them. This War went on to last until 1154. -
Dec 19, 1185
Invention of Windmill
The first recording of a windmill can be found from 1185. Windmills were created as a way to create natural energy from the wind to power machinery. Despite a declin windmills are still used today as a source of renewable energy. -
Dec 16, 1206
Appointment of Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan is elected Khagan of the Mongol people. His empire went to take over much of Eurasia. Following his demise he was responsable for the creation of the largest empire to this day. -
Dec 16, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta is document issued by King John of England to create peace between him and rebellious barons. This document promised protection of Church rights, illegal imprisonment, proper justice of a crime, and payments to the king. This document is impotant as it continued on for centuries, In the 16th Century some power of it was lost. -
Dec 16, 1300
The Renaissance
In 1300 a rebirth of Europe happened in which a interest in art and feeling were discovered. During this time Greek and Roman art was studied in Europe. This period is believed to have lasted from 1300 to 1700 A.d. -
Dec 16, 1310
Publishing of Dante's Divine Comedy
The Italien poet Dante Alighieri publishes 'Dante's Divine Comedy'. The book describes his experiences in Purgatory, Hell, and Heaven. It is often considred one of the greatest achievments of all literature. -
Dec 16, 1314
The Black Plague
One of biggest panademic inany point in history causing the around 75 to 200 million deaths. It is believed to have originated in Central Asia and brought to Crimea through the Silk Road. It look around 150 years for Europe to recover from the disaster and death toll caused by the plague. -
Dec 16, 1492
"Discovery" of New World
Columbus's first voyage had him find North America while searching for new lands to claim for Spain. While sailing he kidnapped and inslaved peaceful natives found on the islands he had found. This marked the beginning for the Age of Discovery. -
Chian is Unified Again
In 581 the Sui dynasty would rule over China. This event is important as for the first time in 400 years China was unified, This unification would go on to only last thirty seven years. -
Charlemangne is crowned the Holy Roman Empire in 800 A.D. While crowned Charlemangne's kingdom is recogzied as the largest kingdom. In 814 Charlemangne died at age 72 from pleurisy. -
Mayan Empire Falls
During the eighth and ninth century the Mayans mysteriously disapeared. To this very day there is no definite answer as to why or how this happened. The most accepted theory is that their enviorment simply couldn't support them and they slowly died off. -
Rurik's Invasion
In 862 Rurik invaded Russia and set up a state. Rurik stayed in power until his death in 879. After his death his dynasty moved to Kiev,Ukraine and today serves as the capital of the largest city in Ukraine -
Originally consisting of Celtic monks in 874 Norsemen traveled to Iceland.Norsemen settled there realizing it was abonded without anyother humans on it. Garðar Svavarsson is believed to be the first to have discovered it.