The middle ages

  • 324

    Start of Constantinople

    in this year Constantine create Constantinople
  • 395

    Division of Roman empire

    Theodosious divided the Roman empire between his two sons
  • 476

    Fall of the western roman empire

    The western roman empire falls because of the crisis off the century 3th
  • 507

    Batalla vouille

    Francos contra visigodos
    Fin del reino de tolosa
    Origen del reino visigodo de toledo
  • Period: 507 to 711

    reino visigodo

    el imperio cayó en el 711 porque los musulmanes les expulsaron
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian the first

    He was the most importan emperor in the byzantin empire, he conquered the north of Afric the south of the iberian peninsula and the italic peninsula, he created the Justinian code, and he orther to build Hagia Sophia
  • Period: 586 to 601


    Conversión al catolicismo del arrianismo
  • 622


    Is when muhamadd piligrimate to mecca
  • Period: 632 to 661

    First caliphs

    capital in medina
  • Period: 653 to 672


    Unificación de leyes para todo el reino. ( Liber Iudiciorum )
  • Period: 661 to 750

    Umayyad caliphate

    Capital damascus
  • 711

    Batalla de Guadalete (comienzo de la conquista musulmana)

  • Period: 711 to 1031

    Al-Ándalus (Alta edad media)

  • Period: 711 to 756

    Emirato dependiente de Córdoba

  • Period: 715 to 741

    Charles martel

    He stopped the Muslims in the battle of Poitiers(732)
  • 722

    Batalla de Covadonga

    La resistencia cristiana encabezada por Pelayo
  • 732

    Batalla de poitier

    Los francos pararon la conquista musulmana hacia el norte
  • Period: 750 to 945


    Capital bagdad
  • Period: 751 to 768

    Pepin the short

    He signed an alliance with Roman Church
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Emirato independiente

  • Period: 768 to 814


    He conquered many territories in europe. he wanted to rebuild roman empire.Capital in Aachen, Germany
    (800: Holy roman empire)
  • 843

    End of the carolingian empire

    Bivision of the empire int he treaty of Verdun ( origin of present day france and Germany)
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Califato de Córdoba

  • 1045

    Schism in religion

    Is a separation between orthodox christianity and roman christianity
    (orthodox christianity develope its own traditions in the byzantine empire)
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Constam¡npinople convert in Istanbul