Jan 1, 1312
Order of Knights Templar abolished
Jan 1, 1315
The Great Famine starts
Apr 9, 1317
The Great Famine ends
Jan 1, 1326
Edward II murdered
Edward II was murdered by invading French and William III came to power in England -
Jan 1, 1337
The Hundred Years War started
The Hundred Years War was a conflict fought between France and England between the years 1337 and 1453. Now the War did not last 100 years but rather was a series of conflicts that did had truce and peace periods in it. Conflicts had to do with territorial claims, and accessions to the throne of France. -
Jan 1, 1348
The Black Death
In Medieval England, the Black Death was to kill 1.5 million people out of an estimated total of 4 million people between 1348 and 1350.
The Black Death was caused by fleas carried by rats that were very common in towns and cities. The fleas bit into their victims literally injecting them with the disease. Death could be very quick for the weaker victims. -
Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Jan 1, 1500
The Late Middle Ages
Jan 1, 1350
British longbow
British showed the effectivness of their newly invented longbow against the French in the war -
Jan 1, 1378
The Great Schism
The Great Schism in the Western church began with the contested election of Pope Urban VI in 1378. The cardinals who elected him, dismayed at his erratic behavior, withdrew their obedience, declared Urban's election invalid because it was made during rioting in Rome, and selected a new pope, Clement VII. Urban retaliated by excommunicating Clement and his followers and by creating a college of cardinals of his own. -
Apr 9, 1381
Peasants' Revolt
The Late Middle Ages witnessed a relatively high number of large-scale revolts, and you'll examine both rural and urban examples: the Peasants' Revolt in England of 1381 and the revolt of the Ciompi in Florence in 1378. -
Jan 1, 1387
writing of The Canterbury Tales started
Apr 9, 1400
Richard II murdered
Jan 1, 1410
University of St. Andrews started
University of St. Andrews is the third oldest university in Britain -
Jan 1, 1423
Quarantine invented for protection against plague
Quarantine was invented to defend people against rapidly spreading plague -
Jan 1, 1450
The bourgeois
In the 15th century the towns were emancipated from royal power. The bourgeois (middle classes) took power with the development of economic, political and cultural life, preparing attitudes for the revival of the Renaissance. -
Jan 1, 1453
The Hundred Years War ended
From the beginning of the war (1337) until the battle of Orleans (1428-29), the English won many victories including the decisive battles of Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt. The English employed a new method of warefare with great success that combined forces of longbowmen with dismounted men-at-arms.In 1429, at the siege of Orleans the French eventually gained the upperhand. Joan of Arc led a relief force which successfully defeated the English. The next 25 years of engagements saw continued -
Jan 1, 1476
First print press in England