José Clemente Orozco
José Clemente Orozco was born on November 23, 1883 in Ciudad Guzman, Mexico. He was educated at the Academy of San Carlos and the National Preparatory School. He overcame poverty and eventually travelled to the U.S. and Europe to paint frescos for major institutions. He was known for creating impressive, realistic paintings of the revolution. He died on September 7th, 1949. -
Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera was born on December 8th, 1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico. He studied at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts. He sought to make art that reflected the lives of the Mexican people. He is remembered as an important figure of 20th century art and his childhood home is now a museum in Mexico. He died on November 24th, 1957. -
David Alfaro Siqueiros
David Alfaro Siqueiros was born on December 29th in Chihuahua, Mexico. He was a mexican painter and muralist who studied at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts. He produced thousands of square feet of wall paintings in which numerous political changes were displayed. His Communist activities led to numerous jailings and periods of exile. He died on January 6th, 1974 in Cuernavaca, Mexico. -
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo was born on July 6th, 1907 in Mexico City, Mexico. She studied at the National Preparatory School. She began painting after being severely injured in a bus accident. She is considered one of Mexico's greatest artists. She died on July 13th, 1954. -
The Start of the Revolution
On April 1st Madero entered the presidential election against Porfirio Diaz. On June 2nd Diaz won the presidential election. On September 3rd a large parade was held to celebrate the 100th year of independence. On October 5th Madero issued the Plan of Luis Potosi; also the last day he had resided in the city. On November 20th the revolution officially began. -
Madero takes Charge
In February Madero decided to lead a group of revolutionary soldiers in attack against federal troops near Casas Grandes. On May 10th the city of Ciudad falls to Madero under the military leadership of General orozco and Pancho Villa. On May 21st the Ciudad Juarez Accords agreement was signed. On May 25th Diaz resigned and Zapata leads revolt against Madero. On October 1st Madero won the presidential election with 90% of the vote. -
Conspiracy Against Madero
On March 25th the Plan Orozquista was issued. On March 25th Orozco and his 6,000 strong army called for the removal of Madero. The plan called for limited work days, wage increases, and child labor reforms. In October of 1912 Felix Diaz formed an army against Madero. While in prison Diaz conspired with fellow prisoner Bernardo Reyes against Madero. -
The Fighting Continues
On February 9th Felix Diaz was released from prison. Also on that day, the "decena tragica" or 10 days of tragedy engulfed mexico City in fighting. On February 18th Huerta turned against Madero and joined a minor rebellion. On February 19th Carranza publicly announced his opposition to Huerta.On March 6th Villa began an
active military campaign that would last for years. On March 26th The Plan of Guadalupe was initiated by Carranza. In September Huerta dissolved both houses of Mex. Legislature. -
U.S. Military is Sent to Mexico
On April 21st U.S. president Wilson sent the U.S. military to Mexico to occupy the port of Veracruz. On July 8th president Huerta formally submitted his statement of resignation. On August 12th President Carbajal resigned and followed Huerta into exile. On November 10th Gutierrez appointed Villa as operational commander of the 2 convention armies. On November 24th Zapata took control of mexico City one week before Villa could arrive with his own troops. -
The Year of Hunger in mexico City
On January 5th General Obregon's army drove Zapata's forces from the city of Puebla. On February 8th the constitutionalist army set up relief stations in the capital for the hungry. On March 10th Obregon's army marched from Mexico City to the north against Villa. On August 2nd Pablo Gonzalez entered Mexico City. On December 20th the city of Ciudad Juarez falls to Obregon's troops. -
Villa Captures Torreon
On January 1st villista Pablo Lopez attacked and killed 15 american miners at Santa Isabel. On March 9th Villa raided Columbus, New Mexico. On April 18th the Plan of Revolutionary Political and Social Reforms was issued in Jojutla. In September of 1916 Villa marched into Chihuahua and released all prisoners from jail. On December 22nd Villa captured the city of Torreon. -
Ratification of the Constitution of 1917
In January of 1917 General Pershing withdrew from Mexico without coming close to capturing Villa. On February 5th the Constitution of 1917 was ratified in Queretaro. On March 11th Carranza announced his acceptance of the constitution. On March 11th Carnage politically broke with Obregon and assumes control of the war ministry. On May 5th Lorenzo Vazquez rebelled and attempted to hold secret talks with Carranza. -
CROM is Formed
On February 25th, 1918, the Regional Confederation of Mexican Labor was formed. CROM attached itself to Obregon's political party. This labor union would go on to influence mexican political leaders for years to come. CROM was controlled by a small group pf union leaders. It was a powerful but short-lived labor organization. -
Death of Zapata
In March of 1919 Zapata sent a letter to Guajardo suggesting that he changes sides and joins him. In April Villista forced the capture of the town Parral. On April 10th mexican troops kill Zapata. On September 4th Gildando Magana was elected as the successor of Zapata. On November 28th Magana held a meeting with Carranza in Mexico City. -
Obregon Assumes Office of Mexico's President
On March 9th, 1920, Obregon made an alliance with Magana assuring him of Zapatista's support in his fight against Carranza. On May 7th Carranza fled to to Mexico City and was killed by a bodyguard in the Puebla Mounatins. On May 24th Adolfo de la Huerta was chosen as provisional president. On June 2nd 20,000 soldiers marched past the National Palace in support of the new regime. On December 1st Obregon assumed his elected office as president of Mexico.