
The Mexican Revolution

  • Porfirio Diaz becomes president of Mexico

    Porfirio Diaz becomes president of Mexico
    Creates his policy of "No Re-election"
  • Porfirio Diaz becomes president of Mexico for the 2nd time

    Porfirio Diaz becomes president of Mexico for the 2nd time
    Diaz terminated his no re-election policy. He dictated Mexico for over 30 years.
  • Diaz ran against Francisco I. Madero for president of the Mexican Republic

    Diaz ran against Francisco I. Madero for president of the Mexican Republic
    Diaz won the election after he riggs the voting and Madero is thrown in jail for opposing the regime. Madero forms a small army, consisting mostly of peasants.
  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution of 1910

  • Madero leads a revolution against Diaz

    Madero leads a revolution against Diaz
    Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapato fought with Madero to help remove Diaz from power
  • Madero becomes President of Mexico

    Madero becomes President of Mexico
    Madero won the re-election against Diaz. He gained the support from the United States, Pascual Orozco.
  • Zapata drafts "The Plan de Ayala"

    Zapata drafts "The Plan de Ayala"
    Madero loses the support of Zapata. He drafts a document, the Plan de Ayala, which highlighted Madero's reluctance to return land to the ranch-owners of Mexico.
  • Madero is assassinated

    Madero is assassinated
    Madero is murdered by General Victoriano Huerta, who becomes president.
  • Carranza wants to overthrow Huerta

    Carranza wants to overthrow Huerta
    Carranza declared the Plan de Guadalupe, which rejected acceptance of Huerta as president
  • Huerta resigns office

    Huerta resigns office
    Huerta flees offices and leaves Mexico
  • Carranza seized power in Mexico

    Carranza seized power in Mexico
    Staged a seize on Mexico City. The armies were cruel to citizens of the city.
  • Carranza was assassinated by Obregon

    Carranza was assassinated by Obregon
    Carranza created the Constitution of 1917, which included the ideas of peasants and assembled social reforms never made by Diaz. He didn't include all reforms mentioined in the Constitution, resulting in his assassination.
  • Obregon becomes President of Mexico

    Obregon becomes President of Mexico
  • Lazaro Cardenas del Rio served as president

    Lazaro Cardenas del Rio served as president
    The social reforms outlined in the Constitution of 1917 were acheived.