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Mexican/American War

  • Texas Independence

    Texas Independence
    Battle of San Jacinto is the deciding factor of Texas Independence. Santa Ana signs treaty and accepts Texas Independence and its southern border of the Rio Grande. The Mexican Govt. immediately rejects the border at the Rio Grande.
  • U.S. recognizes Texas

    SInce the U.S. had officially recognized Texas as its own country, but the Mexican Govt. had the U.S. previously sign the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 to give up its claim to Texas "forever".
  • President Jackson declines annexation of Texas

    President Jackson declines annexation of Texas
    The Republic of Texas wanted to be apart of the U.S. but the U.S. did not want to risk war with Mexico. Also the U.S. did not want to upset the balance of the free and enslaved states.
  • Loredo Incident

    Loredo Incident
    Mexican soldiers seized San Antonio which was 75 miles North of the Nueces River. In response, some Anglos marched into the City of Loredo on the Rio Grande and some further into Mexico. In a response from the Mexican forces that had captured Anglos trying to escape, they killed every tenth man.
  • Annexation of Texas to the U.S.

    Annexation of Texas to the U.S.
    Texas began signing treaties with Great Britain and the U.S. was fearful of having Texas unite with the British and eventually the challenging the U.S. The U.S. ignored the Treat of Adams-Onis and annexed Texas as the 28th state.
  • War Begins

    War Begins
    Mexican forces cross the Rio Grande to stop the U.S. forces from advancing