Listing 596 13

The Medieval World

  • Period: 410 to 1066

    Anglo-Saxons Kingdom

    The Romans had left Britain for a while, which led many other kingdoms to try and conquer Britain ( Editors). The Angles and Saxons had eventually conquered most of Britain, they shared Britain and became Anglo-Saxon Britain ( Editors). Many of the tools used in Anglo-Saxon matched with its epic Beowulf ( Editors).
  • Period: 455 to 553

    Ostrogothic Kingdom

    Theodoric Ostrogoth set up his kingdom and capital at Ravenna after he deposed Odoacer ( Editors). His capital was modeled almost exactly like Constantinople, attempting to attract many people ( Editors). Theodoric was not a Romanic king, yet his officials were given Roman titles, so his kingdom had Roman laws ( Editors).
  • Period: 481 to 888

    Frankish Kingdom

    Clovis, who was a Frankish leader that ruled from 481 to 511, established the Frankish kingdom which is now modern France ( Editors). When he had defeated the Alemanni, he most likely converted to Christianity ( Editors). Three years after he had married his wife, he had started to imitate the Roman civilization and called himself Agustus ( Editors).
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    beginning of the Middle Ages

    In the Middle Ages, Rome was not a Germanic tribe, Rome was a barbarous kingdom that wanted to conquer everything( Editors). Rome and the Germanic tribe's time of peace caused an increase in hunting, farming, and migration( Editors). This migration of the Germanic tribes had caused the Roman army to set a full invasion to the German Soldiers in the fourth century( Editors). The invasion caused global migration with the people in other countries( Edit).
  • 511

    The Do-Nothing Kings

    The Do-Nothing Kings
    Clovis had died in 511, so, his four sons had divided the kingdom for them to each rule ( Editors). These kings were called the Do-Nothing Kings, the real power came from the Mayors of the kingdom ( Editors). Charles Martel became the mayor in 771 and eventually took the throne from the brothers that same year ( Editors).
  • Period: 700 to 1500


    Feudalism was a brand new system of government in the Frankish kingdom, with a lack of strong leadership ( Editors). Feudalism differed between regions and religions throughout the world yet the basic concept was the same ( Editors). The basis of this setting was a ranking system from commoner to king, in a pyramid order ( Editors).
  • Period: 936 to 1190

    Holy Roman Empire

    As the last king of the Franks died, Germany was split into four, and a man named Otto ruled one part of the four, he created a uniting Germany and saved the Pope ( Editors). Otto had taken over Italy from dictatorship and the pope crowned him Roman Emporer of the West, with this power, he had created the Holy Roman Empire ( Editors). Frederick Barbarossa tried to reconquer Italy over Otto but failed and died years later ( Editors).
  • Period: 976 to 1500

    The Byzantine Empire

    between the ninth and eleventh centuries, the Byzantine Empire began to revive, due to the Macedonian Kings helping them recover ( Editors). The Macedonian King Basil II was known as the Bulgarian Slayer because he devastated the Bulgarian army in 1014 ( Editors). Basil II started to rule over the Byzantine Empire until its decline in the 15th century ( Editors).
  • Period: 987 to 1328


    Two factors split in the French empire after the fall of the Franks, and Capetian kings ended up ruling both sides and made the empire one again ( Editors). These Rulers were stronger than federal lords ( Editors). They would go on and rule the French empire for over 300 years ( editors).
  • Period: 1013 to 1399


    In 1014, England was overrun by the Danes, when King Ethelred the Unready, fled to Normandy while a new king was being crowned for England ( Editors). The Danes crowned Dane Canute as king in 1016 and during his reign, it was a peaceful time ( Editors). After Canute died, the English chose Edward to be king, he ruled from 1042 to 1066, after his reign, the king of Wessex took his place ( Editors).