The me

  • 1400

    The Golden Age

    The Europeans began to sail to south around the continent of Africa in the continent of Africa. This was in a attempt to reach the wealth of silks and spices found in India and China.
  • 1500

    European traders

    European traders began to sell Africans guns and European trader got goods in exchange for slaves. They were transported a across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 1569


    The European began to build trading post in Africa in the early 1500’s.
  • The take over

    They started to colonize and take over another country for the resources it can provide.
  • Brittany got land

    Brittany started to to take over and control central Southern Africa while France seized most of west Africa.
  • South Africa

    Controlled the government
  • Freedome

    They were fighting for freedoms from Great Britain.
  • A big take

    Europe had taken over nearly all of Africa. The only country to remain uncolonized what’s Ethiopia, though Italy did invade the country in the 30’.
  • Afrikaners

    Afrikaners made apartheid law.
  • WWII

    In WWII Africans began to seriously rebel against colonization. In Ghana in the mid 40’s Kwamw Nkrumah introduces an idea.
  • Sudan

    Sudan gained its independence from Great Britain In 1956
  • Independence

    Ghana gained indipentance.
  • Independent

    Nigeria became independent.
  • Unable

    Belgium Congo became independent.
  • Independence

    Independence comes to the country of Rwanda in 1962 after which violence broke out and they Hutu took control
  • Prison

    In 1964, Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions. Mandela would not be silenced and continued to protest from prison. F.W. de Klerk was elected president of South Africa in 1989.
  • Seized power

    Joseph mobutu seized in power.
  • War

    After independence, the people in the south rebelled against northern rule leading to two civil wars from 1956 to 1972 and from 1983 to 2005.
  • Igbo

    Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent.
  • The end

    In 1993, Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in ending apartheid.
  • Mandela

    In 1993, Mandela and de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in ending apartheid.
  • Violence

    The country of Rwanda continued to experience violence.
  • Hutu

    1994, Hutu began to engage in genocide against the Tutsi people. Between 800,000 to 1 million Tutsi people were murdered. Eventually the Tutsi came back into power and restored peace.
  • Death

    Millions of people died.
  • Tunisia

    In 2010 people in Tunisia began to agitate fro a more democratic government. This movement became know as the Arab spring
  • Sudan

    Sudan recognized south Sudan’s independence
  • Qaddafi

    Qaddafi was captured and killed in 2011, and a new government was elected.
  • Arab spring

    At the beginning of the Arab Spring Egypt was under the leadership of President Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak was a dictator who had controlled Egypt for 30 years. He was forced to resign in 2011.
  • Ben Ali

    Morsi’s term was short because in 2013, his government was overthrown by the military. Morsi was imprisoned and his political party was banned. The new government gave more power to the police and military in the new constitution.
  • Mubarak

    Mubarak was replaced by an Islamic fundamentalist government led by Mohammed Morsi in 2012.
  • A give

    Morsi’s term was short because in 2013, his government was overthrown by the military. Morsi was imprisoned and his political party was banned. The new government gave more power to the police and military in the new constitution.