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The Maze Runner

  • First Day

    First Day
    Thomas wokes up in a lift with no memory other than his name
  • Ben's attack

    Ben's attack
    Ben got stung by a Grievers and turned crazy and attacked Thomes
  • The first one and the last one

    The first one and the last one
    In the glade every one mounth a now guy comes never a girl but for the first time after thomes came 2 days later a girl came that was the first girl that ever entered the glade. but she had a note that sayed that she was the last one ever.
  • The Dead Grievers

    The Dead Grievers
    Minho found a dead griever in the maze that was the only time they ever got one.
  • The sleeping or the dead

    The sleeping or the dead
    When Minho and Alby tryed to go see the dead grievers it was alive and it stung alby then it run then Minho tryed to drag alby back to the glade but they did not make in time when the gates were closing them thomes run to help then the gates closed.
  • No servival chance

    No servival chance
    When thomas tryed to help minho and alby he got in the maze then the doors closed then minho droped and sayed we are all dead. then he sayed that no one ever servived in the maze at night. So then minho run and thomas stayed and helped alby.
  • Staying Alive

    Staying Alive
    After thomas help hide alpy he started running in the maze trying to run away from the grievers.
  • The First Ones To Came Out At Night

    The First Ones To Came Out At Night
    Thomes saved Alby and Minho then they came out of the maze they were the first people to came out at night after Thomes saved them them the keepers promoted him to runner. The keepers are the people in charge.
  • The Grievers Atteck

    The Grievers Atteck
    After thomas save alby and became a runner alby got his memery back before he can explain what is the maze about and why they are sent to the maze the doors did not close and the Grievers attecked at night and killed some gladers and alby and left.
  • The Runners Escape

    The Runners Escape
    Thomas got his memrey back and decided to get out the maze. Thomas and Minho found the way out and left the maze then they got every body and they left the maze.