Present Day
The Mascarene Plateau as it is today -
10,000 CE
The southernmost part of the plateau starts to expand from repeated eruptions from a volcano on a southern island. -
50,000 CE
The ash and magma settle causing the plateau to rise and have a rough surface. -
100,000 CE
Plant life starts to grow on the plateau causing humans and scientists to become interested. -
Animals that were put on the island thrive adapting to the the habitat showing that humans could adapt as well. -
500,000 CE
Humans come on to the island and adapt to the natural habitat. -
750,000 CE
human life thrives causing more people to come to the island and make the population increase. -
1,000,00 CE
The plateau becomes a part of Africa causing it to be a tourist attraction for all people to see. As well as it becomes a country people can live in.