The Martian Chronicles

  • January 1999: Rocket Summer

    January 1999: Rocket Summer
    In Rocket Summer, the author describes the rocket that has landed as climate changing force. "One minute is was Ohio winter... and then a long wave of warmth crossed the small town". The ice began to melt subsquent to the rocket landing. In all certaintity, the rocket changed the season for the resident in Ohio.
  • Febuary 1999: Ylla

    Febuary 1999: Ylla
    In Febuary 1999: Ylla, the author introduces a martian couple, Yll and Ylla. Ylla talkes in her sleep and begans to leak details about her dreams, and subconciously tells her husband that there will soon be human landing. Yll is un happy and tell Yll that he's going 'hunting' and by hunting he means slaughter the humans mercilessly for trotting on their territory.
  • August 1999: Summer NIght

    August 1999: Summer NIght
    In 'Summer Night', the martians appear to be doing some time of ritual, and they become quickly intrigued by the language the musician is singing in and the tune she's playing in. It seems as if they know the musican knows a change is coming and the other martians are reluctant to realize and are confused.
  • The Earth Men

    The Earth Men
    An eager, and tired crew of three men finally land on Mars. But, mars is like nothing they've expected. The Martian are a re telepathic which gives the ability to allow people to see their most inner thoughts. Captain Williams eventually ends up be murdered by a head shrink, and mericllesly slaughter his other crew members, and eventually ends up comminting suicide becasue he too, is a little bit nutty. So, 5 people end up dying all because of hallucintiotins.
  • The Taxpayer

    The Taxpayer
    In the Taxpayer, it's bascially a short chapter talking about how Pritcchard, who was indeed a taxypayer thought he had the right to go to Mars. He was afraid that goverment had some conspiracy going on and that there was a war coming. He offered them everything he had, just to go to Mars. He pleaded and pleaded with them, but in the end his desperation landed him no where but in jail.
  • The Third Expedition

    The Third Expedition
    In the Third Expredition, a suspicious John Black return to Mars with a 16 passenger crew, but a crew member suddenly dies. Black finds out thta his parents have dies including his brother, and just like some really scary Jeper Creepers movie, the martian are really the dead parents, they too get slaughtered. A funereal is held the next day for late human crew members.
  • The Settlers

    In the 'Settlers", Bradbury described the colonization of Mars much like the Pilgrims contact with the natives. The men of earth finally come to Mars, some were afraid some not so much. The men in this chapter get a disease called 'The Loneliness', when the men see there home dwindle down to a size from the size of you fist to a pin-size, giving them a feeling as if they weren't born. The number number of Men grow substanitally, but the Lonely had to stand by themselves.
  • And The Moon Still Be Bright

    In 'And the Moon Still Be Bright', Captain Wilder and his crew land on Mars. His crewmembers discover that the martians are dead due to smallpox. They began to drink and destruct the planet, and of course there's an outsider who has a hearts, and sees the error in there ways. That person is Spender, who later poses as Martian, and questioning there reason, eventually he ends up killing the majority of them.
  • The Green Morning

    In this chapter, Benjamin Driscoll is the main character. Him and his lungs are having some trouble adjusting to the thinned atmosphere. He later suggest that maybe they should plant some plants, so the plants could give off their most valuable resource, oxygen. Overnight, the trees had grown as tall as the men, and ‘huge, round and full’. Bradbury describes the earth men’s take on the miracle as their lungs being verified and their heart leaping. Look’s like someone had a green thumb….
  • The Locusts

    In "The Locust", the rockets are setting foot on Mars. The author describes the rocket landing as "drums beating in the night." Within a six month timespan a dozen towns were created, filled with neon tubes and yellow eleteric bulbs. Around ninety-thousand people whad came to mars and the other 5,910,000 people left on Earth were 'packing their grips,'
  • The Shore

    The Shore
    In ' The Shore' Bradbury describes Mars as a distand shore and 'the men spread upon it in waves'. He goes to descibes there voyage to Mars as the men acustomed to the spaces with coldness and being alone. While the migrates became accustomed to their New World, on Earth there is a war going .
  • Night Meeting

    More people began their new journey to Mars, while Toma Gomez and this older gas station employee, began to fathom the thought and life on Mars. the gas station employee thinks that life on Mars, is nothing like Earth. He moves and notices a Martian, whom he can only see. Muhe Ca, the Martian informs Toma that he is going a festival. Toma thinks the party is in the middle of nowhere but Muhe disagrees.
  • Interim

    Ahh, Alas! Another imterchapter detailing how the Earth Men bringing in fifteeen thousand lumber feet of Orgeon Pine to build the Tenth city and another seventy-nine thousand feet of California redwood, that they hammered from a near-by town by the edge of the stone canals. These Earth Men came prepared to Mars to build there habitants. They had to have been lumberjacks if you ask me, because if more likely to find a John that wasn't a Deere. Pun intended.
  • The Middle of the Air

    The Middle of the Air
    The setting in this chapter is a group of men in the 1950 sitting on a porch discussing racsim and the possiblities of the minorites going to Mars. It's apparent that the main character in this chapter ,Teece has some superiority issuses like most white men during ths period of time. He wants to boss around anyone and everyone and tries to tie his servant, Silly, but his crew turns the shoes onto the other foot and try to convince him to let Silly go. He waits until nighttime to kill Silly, but
  • The Musicans

    The Musicans
    In ‘The Musicians’, a crew of younger boys go hiking and began to play with the dead Martian’s bodies. Where’s the Humanity? I guess if it doesn’t exist on Earth don’t expect it to come anywhere else. To make a short story even shorter, the younger boys play with limbs of the dead Martians much like xylophones. This tyoe of behavior just goes to show how destructive, reckless. and remoseless man can be. But this is'nt the first instance, right? The list could go on.
  • The Ushser II

    The Ushser II
    The Usher II is based off Edgar Allan Poe's, "The Fall of the House of Usher". A weathly inheritant designs a house based of Poe's short story, and Garret, the lead investigator of Moral Climates, burns all Stendahl's books in front of his face! Gasp. Garret wanted the house torn down, but that thought eventually cost him his life. Stendhal takes Garret in to his celluar and reveals that the people in the house that are dying are clones, and that the real people have acutually already died.
  • The Naming of Names

    The Naming of Names
    Another short chapter depicting how insatiable man can really be. The men on Mars began making revisions to any and everything and begin repeating a cycle that was once on earth. 'They began to plan people lives and began to instruct and push about the very people who had come to Mars to avoid it on Earth'.. In this chapter they bascially began naming towns, and controlling people like the typical goverment thus the name of the chapter.
  • The Old Ones

    The Old Ones
    In 'the Old Ones' the elderly pack their bags, (medication, catheters, etc) and make the long voyage to Mars. Brabury describes them as 'the mummy people, and the dry and crackling people' who once took chairs cars to California and third-class steamers to Italy in April. A very concise chapter moreso insulting them with the name calling than anything else.
  • The Martian

    The Martian
    In 'The Martian', an elderly couple moves to Mars to forget about the death of their late son, Tom. Well, they meet Tom in Mars or atleast so they think. It's really a Martian. But before the couple can get close to Tom, he leaves and joins another family and thus a cycle begins. He start molding himself into every ones late loved one and eventually dies.
  • The Luggage Store

    The Luggage Store
    In the 'Luggage Store' the setting takes place inside in a luggage store with an unphased proprietor and Father Peregrine, a man who convinced that Earth is China and that there is in fact a war coming to Earth. The propietor who's name is never mentioned still believes that people will come back to Earth because they are needed. Father Peregrine reluctantly begins to believe in the idea and purchases another valise.
  • The Off Season

    The Off Season
    In 'The Off Season', Sam Parkhill ventures into the world of fast-food cuisines and decides to open up a hot dog stand. Like most of the chapter in The Martian Chronicles, a martian is yet again slaughtered but this time paranoia was the drivivng force. As if he thought his dog stand idea on Mars wasn't obscure enough. Parkhill thought the martians were coming after him and had to get them before they got him. But it turns out he was wrong, these very generous martian only wanted to offer him ha
  • The Watchers

    The Watchers
    Well, Australia has officially been annhilated due to the nuclear war occuring on Earth. Only 195 more countries to go, but while this is happening the remaining people are using 'radio messaging' to contact their loved on Mars begging them to come back. There's nothing more touching than dying with your relatives right? It must look like a Chinatown fireworks display or parade from Mars right now.
  • The Silent Towns

    The Silent Towns
    In 'Silent Towns', aparently the whole Mars population is obliterated, all except a man and woman. Me as the reader, thought this chapter would have some type of biblical parallel, and both the man and woman would reproduce generating another population of humans on Mars. Everthing, but that happens in this chapter. Walter has preconcieved notions about Gene and think he's the girl of his dreams. Gene wants to wants to get married, but afraid of commitent Walter ends up running away.
  • The Long Years

    The Long Years
    In 'The Long Years', Captain Wilder returns back to Mars, and the robots have got the best of man, once again. Dr.Hathaway and his family or in this case his robot family, are the last people on Earth. It is until Wilder send his crewmember to the cemetry and finds out thta his family is actually dead, but Hathaway doesn't know that. Dr.Hathaway ends up dieing after he has a heartattack. Looks like he should've took Doctor's advice..
  • There Will Come Soft Rains

    There Will Come Soft Rains
    Well, the nuclear war on Earth has finished being destructive and spreading it's radioactive glow every which a way. A siliohoutte of a man and woman doing yardwork lingers while a severely hurt dog strugles for it's life only to die moments later. Apparently, the crispy critters are being vaporized by the house itself. The house cleans up the dead matter, all except the voice who reads a poem called,"There Will Come Soft Rains." The house later catches fire, destroying everything. Not that ther
  • The Million-Year Picnic

    The Million-Year Picnic
    In the 'Million Year Pinic', A family of a mom, dad and 4 boys go to Mars with the boys under the impression that they're just vactioning. The dad, William, however, drops the bomb (ahhh, see what I did there) to the boys that they're actually staying on Mars. William wants to intrdouce his boys to the other Martian family, but in the light of the developing situation, lead them to canal only to revel their reflection. They're actually Martians! Dun ! Dun! Dun! cue of dramactic music