Clovis defeats the last Roman Army in Western Europe
In 486 Clovis defeats last Roman Army in Western Europe. This marked the total end of any Roman rule in the Old Western Roman Empire. The Frankish kings allowed their soldiers to loot and plunder after a battle -
Benedict of Nursia founds the first Benedict monastery
Benedict developed the practical and spiritual guidelines for monastic life, which is now known as the Benedictine rule. This all happened in Italy. -
Isabella and Ferdinand conquer Granada
During the reign of the catholic monarchs, Isabella of castle and Ferdinand, went against the Nasrid dynasty. This all happened in England -
Charles Martel defeats Muslim invaders in the battle of tours.
Charles Martel defeats a large army of spanish moors, halting the muslims advance into Western Europe. This all happened in the tour of Charles. -
Vikings make their earliest known raid in Ireland
The first recorded Viking raid in Irish history occurred in AD 795 when Vikings, possibly from Norway looted the island of Lambay. -
Pope crowns otto emperor
Gregory, who crowned Otto emperor on May 21, 996, was driven from Rome after the Emperor’s return to Germany by Crescentius, who then installed John XVI as pope. This all happened in Aachen. -
The university of Bolograis founded
This happened in 1088 in Italy. -
The first Crusade begins
The First Crusade was the first of a number of crusades that attempted to recapture the Holy Land, called for by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095. Urban called for a military expedition to aid the Byzantine Empire. This happened in Jerusalem. -
English arch bishop Thomas Becketis
In the united Kingdom, Thomas a Becket, was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder in 1170. -
Magna Carta was signed
In England, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta when he did not want to. He was forced to sign it by the nobility in his kingdom. -
Plague arrives in Europe
The first recorded appearance of the plague in Europe was at Messina, Sicily, in October of 1347.