the main historical moments of robotics

By DmnJack
  • Term "robot"

    Term "robot"
    Karel Čapek coins the term "robot" in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), introducing the idea of machines built to serve humans.
  • Period: to

    20th Century: The Foundation of Modern Robotics

  • Three Laws of Robotics

    Three Laws of Robotics
    Isaac Asimov formulates the Three Laws of Robotics in his short story "Runaround," influencing how robots are viewed in fiction and ethics.
  • First Reprogrammable robot

    First Reprogrammable robot
    George Devol invents the first reprogrammable robot, later patented as the Unimate, a precursor to industrial robots.
  • Unimation

    Devol and Joseph Engelberger establish the first robotics company, Unimation, sparking the commercial use of robots in industry.
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    Rise of Industrial and Research Robotics

  • Unimate

    The first industrial robot, Unimate, is installed in a General Motors assembly line, marking the beginning of robotic automation in manufacturing.
  • WABOT-1

    WABOT-1, the first full-scale humanoid robot, is built in Japan by Waseda University, featuring the ability to walk and grip objects.
  • Honda E0

    Honda E0
    The Honda E0 project begins, leading to the development of ASIMO, one of the most advanced humanoid robots.
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    Robotics in Space and Public Use

  • NASA’s Sojourner

    NASA’s Sojourner
    NASA’s Sojourner rover becomes the first robot to explore the surface of Mars during the Mars Pathfinder mission.
  • Roomba

    Roomba, the autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner, is introduced by iRobot, bringing affordable domestic robots into homes.
  • Honda’s ASIMO

    Honda’s ASIMO
    Honda’s ASIMO is unveiled, capable of walking, running, recognizing faces, and interacting with humans, symbolizing major progress in humanoid robotics.
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    AI and Autonomous Robotics

  • Google's self-driving car

    Google's self-driving car
    Google's self-driving car completes a 300,000-mile test without any accidents, pioneering autonomous vehicle technology.
  • Sophia

    Sophia, a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics, gains media attention for her human-like appearance and conversational abilities, even gaining honorary citizenship in Saudi Arabia.
  • Boston Dynamics

    Boston Dynamics
    Boston Dynamics’ robots, such as Atlas, demonstrate increasingly advanced locomotion and mobility skills, capable of parkour, running, and performing complex tasks autonomously.