
the Lost Generation

  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment allows women to vote. In the mid-19th century, woman suffrage supporters lectured, wrote, marched, and lobbied to help achieve this goal. It took from 1878 to 1920 to get it ratified. By gaining this independence it allowed a gate way of confidence and carelessness to overwhelm the female population of this time period.
  • 1919 World Series

    1919 World Series
    On October 1st, 1919 the first game of the World Series began. The White Sox performed with an outstanding lead players hitting with a .351 average and having six hits a game. The White Sox put on quite a show themselves, losing 9-1 in questionable fashion. All of the players involved were banned from baseball because of their obvious link to gamblers. This is known as the Black Sox scandal of 1919. During the Lost Generation gambling is a relevant problem for many people.
  • Invention of the Traffic light

    Invention of the Traffic light
    First installed in 1920, on the corner of Woodward and Michigan Avenues in Detroit, all the streets were becoming crowed with new drivers so Police Officer William L. Potts of Detroit thought to do something about. Thus the invention of the automatic traffic light, this invention provides safety and less confusion to the American people. By providing families with a sense of safety during the hectic time of the 1920s, that a sense of safety was concluded, equivalent to the pursuit of happiness.
  • Flappers

    Flapper is a term used to describe the new women of this era, women gained the right to work and vote, and along with the economic boost these women felt independent and strong. By cutting of the long hair into a short bob, hiking up their dresses to the knee, smoking in public, holding hands with men and staying out all night at parties they were most defiantly different. The women of this time period were standing out, they were doing what they wanted to do, and they were making themselves hap
  • Gangsters

    Gangsters 18th Amendment had banned the sale, transportation and manufacture of alcohol in America but thanks to gangsters the American people did not go without. There was a huge market for drinks and drugs. It was the gangsters who dominated various cities and who provided the substances. This relates to the happiness of the young people of the1920s.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibitions on law enforcement were rather negative, large sums of money were being exchanged during the dry era, this led to the corrupted influence of the federal Bureau of Prohibition, the state and local level. Police officers and Prohibition agents were often offered bribes to become bootleggers themselves, some gave into the temptation. The ban on Alcohol created a boom of rebellion among the young generation.
  • Invention of the Radio

    Invention of the Radio
    The Invention of the Radio in the 1920s was a gate way of entertainment to the public. After starting with one radio announcement made by KDKA the radio boom began. People were fascinated with the idea of listening to different programs including music, public announcements by the government, news and talk shows.
  • Jazz music

    Jazz music the Jazz age the wide spread of the soulful music provided lots of joy to the younger people. In New Oreland’s wild jazz broke out and the rules of music changed. Many young people loved the joy they felt form dancing to the Jazz.
  • Auto

    The automobile is one of the biggest impacts that affected the people of the lost generation, causing a uproar of carelessness and clumsiness. The Model T sold for $490 in 1914, by 1920; there were over 8 million registrations. The 1920s saw a large growth in automobile ownership, with the number of registered drivers almost tripling to 23 million by the end of the decade. The growth of the automobile industry caused an economic boom across the United States, many spin-off industries blossomed.
  • Hollywood Movies

    Hollywood Movies
    Hollywood played a scandals role in the 1920s pumping out movies starring Flappers and using actors and actresses names in the movies. The time of change in Hollywood highlighted the time of change around America. Many people enjoyed going to movies and with all the money they made Hollywood was producing more and more entertainment, popularity became an important role.
  • Invention of the Band aid

    Invention of the Band aid Dickson was an employed as a cotton buyer for Johnson & Johnson when he invented the Band Aid in 1921, for his wife. His wife worked in the kitchen a lot and was always cutting her fingers while preparing food. When he first invented it the bandage consisted of separate gauze and adhesive tape that you would cut to size and apply yourself, soon he devloped a new better band aid for common injuries.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone keeping up with the times the Telephone makers had to come up with something to outdo the new radio. Buy advertising long distance relationships they were able to describe the need for the phone. The draw for simple laziness was inspired to create such a comity of this time period. However it applied to the common public and sold.
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth his 60th home run of the 1927 season and set a record that stood for 34 years. He was recognized as the best pitcher on the Boston Red Sox of the 1910s, setting records between 1916 and 1918 with 29 2/3 consecutive scoreless innings in World Series play, including a 14-inning game in 1916 which he pitched every inning. He was traded to the New York Yankees, and they won 4 World Series and 7 American League pennants. It’s safe to say Babe Ruth brought happiness to the American sport.
  • the Wall Street Crash

    the Wall Street Crash October 29th, 1929 the stock market crashed, this is known as Black Tuesday. Investors traded around 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day; billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors. After Black Tuesday America slid into what would soon be known as The Great Depression (1929-1939). The days of throwing around money for glamour, parties, and toys were over. The liberty of America was turning gray and the happiness would soon turn to hard work.
  • Invention of Penicillin

    Invention of Penicillin
    Alexander Fleming returned from World War 1 to his research laboratory in London. His experience at battle showed him that a killer bacterium was among us. He wanted to find a chemical that could stop a bacterial infection, he found lysozyme, an enzyme occurring in many body fluids, with a natural antibacterial effect, however it wasn’t very strong. He kept looking and he accidently found Penicillium notatum. When World War 2 began Penicillin became famous for its healing powers.