Acoma Massacre
In New Mexica troops under Juan de Onate kill over 800 Acoma Aboriginals and cut the left foot off every surviving male more than 25 years old. -
Mystic River Massacre
Troops under John Underhill kill more than 650 Pequot at Mystic River, Connecticut. -
Bad Axe Creek Massacre
General Henry Atkinson's troops kill 150 Saux and Fox at Bad Axe Creek Winssconsin. -
Bear River Massacre
Troops kill 250 Shoshone at Bear River Idaho. -
Sand Creek Massacre
Vigilantes led by Colonel John Chivington slaughter 200 peaceful Cheyennes camped at Sand Creek. Atrocities abounded. A young girl carrying a white flag was shot dead. Women were hacked to death. -
Washita River Massacre
General Goerge Armstrong Custer leads his 7th Cavalry into a peaceful Cheyenne village on the Washita River. The soldiers kill 103 Cheyenne men, women and children including the Cheyenne leader, Black Kettle. A white flag was flying in the village at the time of the unprovoked attack. -
Camp Grant Massacre
140 Apaches are killed at Camp Grant, Arizona. -
Battle of Red River
450 Soldiers of the 4th Cavalry attack and destroy a peaceful camp of Cheyennes, Comanches, Kiowas at Red River, Killing 1,400 horses and destroying all the camps tepees, food, and buffalo robes. The survivors were destitute heading into winter. -
Nez Perce Battle
A band of peaceful Nez Perce heading to Canada is attacked by 600 members of the 2nd Cavalry and 400 infantry under General Nelson Miles. 200 men, women and children are killed just south of the Canada/United States Border. -
Cheyenne Massacre (Unnamed Location)
The 6th Cavalry attacks a peaceful Cheyenne camp. Annihilation was its purpose. The soldiers ignored Native attempts to surrender. According to an eye wittness, they "shot down every person capable of defending himself, and then dragged wounded women and infancts from pits under the river bank and clubbed them to death". -
Fort Robinson Massacre
A band of 149 peaceful Cheyennes, led by Dull Knife while attempting to escape from Fort Robinson were tracked down by soldiers who killed 30 and wounded 30 others. On January 21, Soldiers found and attacked the 31 survivors. Killing 17 Cheyenne men plus 6 women and children. There were people who only wanted to go home. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
A peaceful band of 340 Lakota Sioux under Big Foot, being escorted to Pine Ridge Agency under a white flag is attacked by 3,000 soldiers. The troops kill 200 men, women and children in a few minutes. According to an eye-witness, "women and children attempted to escape but were pursued and slaughtered...some small boys crept out and were surrounded by soldiers who butchered them". The total number of dead was over 300, more than two-thirds of which were women and children.