The Life of William Golding

  • Beginning of the Journey

    Beginning of the Journey
    William was born on September 19, 1911, in Saint Columb Minor,Cornwall, England to Mildred (mom) and Alex (father).
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    Growing Up Fortunate

    William was raised in a 14th century house, next to a graveyard. His mother was an active suffragette who fought for women's right to vote. Now his father on the other hand worked as a schoolmaster.
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    Early to Middle Years

    When William was in his younger years, he attended Marlborough Middle School, where his father taught at. At twelve years old William attempted to write a novel, but he was not successful this time around. In his early ages he was a very frustrated child. He considered himself as a "brat". He bullied his peers often and also once said that he enjoyed " hurting people".
  • Before the Next Chapter

    Before the Next Chapter
    A year before William graduated he published his first work, book of poetry. "Lord of the Flies" was the name of his first piece of work, that he published.
  • The Life of College

    The Life of College
    After primary school he attended, Brasenose College at Oxford University. His father wanted him to study in Science, but he ended up doing what he enjoyed and that was English , Literature, and Philosophy.
  • Happy Family

    Happy Family
    William got married to Ann. They had two children , Judith and David. Williams last few years of his life , he spent guilty living with his two children and wife.
  • Left Behind

    Left Behind
    William continued his family tradition, as a school master in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Unfortunately he got interrupted, and he had left teaching to go the British Royal Navy. Golding attended the Navy for five years as a lieutenant. While in duty, he saw active duty in the North Atlantic, commanding a rocket launching craft.
  • Accomplishing the Newest

    Accomplishing the Newest
    After being rejected 21 times, his most acclaimed his first novel, "Lord of the Flies", was coming up. The novel was about young boys stranded after a plane wreck. William's moral for this novel was his future work. To examine men's internal struggle between good an evil.
  • Peter Brook

    Peter Brook
    The year after Golding retired from teaching, Peter Brook made a film adaptation of the critically acclaimed novel.
  • Prize Possessions

    Prize Possessions
    Awarded Nobel Piece Prize , for Literature. Also William has novels such as "Rites of Passage", "Pincher Martin", " Free Fall", and " The Pyramid". Mainly a novelist , he was also into poetry, plays, essays, and short stories.
  • Knighted

    Two decades later, at the age of 73, Queen Elizabeth II knighted William Golding.
  • Film the Greatness

    Film the Greatness
    In this year a new film was made of "Lord of the Lies". Bringing attention to the new generation of readers.
  • After Years

    After Years
    William died from a heart attack, in Perranarworthal, Cornwall, England. After he died his completed manuscript for " The Double Tongue" was published posthumously.