I was born at the Medical Center in College Station with all my family present. I was only a few hours old when they began to pass me around one by one. -
Period: to
From Birth to Now
Christening & Naming of Godparents
The first Sunday in July 2003 I was christened by Pastor Jimmy Lawrence at St. Paul Baptist Church. I was only 1 month old but it is important that my parents wanted to dedicate me to Christ and publicly name my godparents. -
The Love of Learning- Creeks Elementary
As soon as I was born, my aunt who had been at John C. Webb over 30 years finished out her contract and retired so that she could keep me. She had so many ideas and we did so many things together. At only two, I was already counting and using beans to spell out my name. We would glue it on construction paper to show my parents when they came to pick me up. -
First Day of School
I began kindergarten at John C. Webb when I was 5. -
Music Medals
I don't remember the exact dates but Spring of 2011 and 2012 is when I got two medals back to back for UIL Music Memory. In addition to having good grades, this is how I learned to dress, speak and look like a leader. -
My First Best Friend
In 3rd grade I became close to Caleb Buckley and Mr. Buckley. I went to their house and I even went to church with them some Wednesday nights instead of going to my own church. He goes to school in Anderson now, but we were friends for three years. -
1st Place Basketball
In January of 2013 I made the All-Star team in basketball. We went to Canton and won first place. My dad was one of my coaches and that was a great feeling for both of us. -
The birth of my nieces
I became an uncle for the first time. -
August of 2014 was my first year at junior high school. It was the first time the word elementary or intermediate wasn't in the school name. It was proof that I was growing up and would have go work hard. -
1st Place UIL Calculator
6th Grade -
1st Place UIL Calculator
7th Grade -
3rd Place Regional History Fair
7th Grade with my friend Cullen Robbins. We did our history fair over two friends, one black and one white, together they were the first men who made it to the North Pole. -
I Became a Teenager
Close 2 Fam
My favorite cousin had come down from Texarkana and it was almost time for him to go back. He gave me the shock of my life when he said I'm not leaving. I want to spend my senior year here! -
My First Job
I began working every weekend in August of 2016 -
8th Grade Champions
Our team won the basketball tournament with Coach Ganske and Coach Lipscomb -
The Birth of My Nephew
1st Group Outing
My First Catch
I caught my first big mouth bass all by myself. -
Closer to My Uncle
This year I've been spending more time with my Uncle Tracy. He is a minister and a good role model for me to have.