The Life of W.O Atwater

By rickeij
  • Birth of W.O. Atwater

  • Birth of W.O. Atwater

    Birth of W.O. Atwater
  • Morrill Act of 1862

    Provided grants of land to states to finance the establishment of colleges specializing in agriculture and the mechanic arts
  • Land Grant University

    An institution of higher education in the US designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890
  • Graduated with a general degree from Wesleyan University

  • Graduated with a general degree from Wesleyan University

    Graduated with a general degree from Wesleyan University
  • Obtained Ph.D at Yale

    Ph.D was in agricultural chemistry; studied the chemical composition of corn
  • Obtained Ph.D at Yale

    Obtained Ph.D at Yale
    Ph.D in Agricultural Chemistry
  • University of Arkansas

    University of Arkansas
    Became a land grant university
  • Appointed as the first chemistry professor at Wesleyan University

  • Appointed as the first chemistry professor at Wesleyan University

    Appointed as the first chemistry professor at Wesleyan University
  • Marriage

    Married Marcia Woodard
  • First director of the first US experiment station at Wesleyan University

  • First Director

    Appointed first director of the first US Connecticut Agricultural experiment station at Wesleyan University.
  • Appointed the director of the second experimental station in the US

    This was because of the Hatch Act, which approved of federal support of state experiment stations
  • Director of 2nd agricultural experiment station

    Hatch Act made this possible. The Hatch Act was the approval of federal support of state experiment stations.
  • UAPB

    Became a land grant university under the morrill act of 1890
  • Introduced the first human calorimeter in the US operating at Wesleyan University

    The calorimeter aided studies in food analysis, dietary evolution, work energy consumption, and digestible foods.
  • Introduced the Human Calorimeter

    Introduced the Human Calorimeter
    The first in the US and operated at Wesleyan University; It measured the human metabolism balance by analyzing the heat produced and metabolic rate by a person performing certain physical activities.
  • Agricultural Appropriations Bill

    included $1000 for food investigations
  • Resignation as Chief

    Resigned as Chief of Nutrition Investigations, US Department of Agriculture.
  • Death

    Died by stroke
  • Smith Lever Act 1914

    Smith Lever Act 1914
    US Federal Law; established a system of cooperative extension services, connected to the land grant universities in order to inform people about current developments in agriculture and technology.
  • Smith Hughes of 1917

    Smith Hughes of 1917
    Provided federal aid to the states for the purpose of promoting pre-collegiate vocational education in agricultural and industrial trades in home economics.
  • Vocational Education Act 1963

    provided grants to states to maintain, improve, and develop vo-tech education programs
  • Vocational Amendment of 1968 and 1973

    1968- extend work of 1963 act but the focus is on people
    1973- extend and revise the authorization of grants to states for vocational rehab services with special emphasis on services to those with most severe disabilities
  • Vocational Amendment of 1976

    required states receiving federal funding for vocational education to develop and carry out activities and programs to eliminate gender bias, stereotyping, and discrimination.
  • Carl Perkins Act

    Carl Perkins Act
    aims to increase the quality of technical education within the US in order to help the economy