Apr 18, 1534
1st Day at Sea
It's our first day at sea on the Caravel, I am so exited. Our captain is from Portugal, but most of our crew is from Spain, this might cause some problems in the future. We are starting from Spain then heading down off the coast of Africa and then up into India. We are going to India to trade goods. I don't know what this journey holds, but I hope it's worth it. -
Apr 22, 1534
Port # 1
Our ship stopped at a port in Senegal, a country in Africa. The port was called Port of Dakar by the locals. When we stopped and we traded our spices for some pottery and furpelts of some exotic animals. The people were very nice and wish us good luck on our voyage ahead. -
Apr 28, 1534
10th Day at Sea
Our 10th day at sea, wow! I didn't think it was so hard we have to wake early in ther morning and go to sleep late at night, unless your on watch then you don't get to sleep. Everybody is tired and very grumpy already. The captain is very harsh with the crew and won't let anybody take a break, I wouln't want to get on his bad side. Even though it's a lot of hard work it's still a new and difdferent experience and I ca't wait until we get to India. -
May 3, 1534
Port # 2
The crew persuaded the captain to stop because they said we were running out of the meat we got in Senegal. We stopped in Libera at the Port of Buchman. Of course we got some more meat in Liberia, but we also traded them for some jewelry to take home to our wives. Well some of the crew had a family some didn't even have a home. -
Jun 11, 1534
Getting Hungry
It's been a long time at sea, I lost count at about day 20. We are running out of food, we are eating hard tack and a sliver of under cooked meat. This means the crew is really grumpy and the catain is not helping. He's making us work the same amount as when we started. I am doubting that all of us are going to live through it. -
Jun 28, 1534
Port #3
We finally get to stop because the captain has been over ruled. Most of the crew members said that if we didn't stop soon they would kill the captain! We stopped in Namibia at the Port of Luderitz. We didn't have much to trade, but a little bit of spices. We got what needed then rested at the port, after a good nights rest we headed off -
Aug 3, 1534
A Long Way Ahead
We just pasted the most southren tip of Africa. We have a long ways to go to India. Our recent stop benifited us tons because we are all more happy after getting the food in Namibia. I think I heard people talking about munity over the captain, all I know is I don't want to be a part of it. Besides munity a disease has plagued our ship, more than half the crew has it, that means more work for me. -
Aug 29, 1534
Port #4
We stopped in Madagascar at the Port of Majunga. For how long we've been at sea we've had a small amount of port stops. This makes mustof the crew angry at the captain because they think they don't care about them. I am not sure if he cares, but he doesn't act like he cares. In Madagacar we got medicence for the people that caught a teriable unknown disease. We also got fruit from the tropical landscape. -
Nov 25, 1534
The Final Stretch
It's taken months to get from Madagascar to India. The captain was over thrown by the remaining crew members, the captain got hung then thrown into the ocean. All the people that got the unknown disease died, even after we gave them medicence. we only have acouple sick people left on board. The other healthy crew members want to kill them so the disease doesn't spread, I said that was a bad a idea. I just hope I don't get it on our way back. -
Dec 1, 1534
Port #5
We finally got to India! We went to a large called the Port of Cochin, it was a jackpot. When we were there we traded for precious metals , raw silk and jewwllery. We also got horses, carpets and perfume. The trip to India was totally worth it., I just hope I can get back to Spain in one peice.